31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-three

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

It's very difficult for a bibliophile to pick one book as a favorite. I could list at least one from every genre I read. When I looked at this question I decided to come at it as not just a book lover but as more...as a logophile (lover of words) and as a writer (I define myself as a writer now not because I make money--those are authors....I write words). I picked this book from a list of books every writer should read. I can honestly say I've not read Stephen King's works but I loved this book. It's a great book for aspiring writers. He gives quite a bit of direction on how to approach the craft of writing. That's not what makes this my favorite book though. Anyone who reads this book can take away a wonderful way to look at anything you do in life. I read it and didn't read any of the other books on the list because basically he says to be a good writer you should...read...read...read! So I quite reading what other's said were the do's and don'ts of writing and started reading. I find that it doesn't matter to me what sells. After reading this book, I had the clear realization that I write because I need a home for the worlds and voices in my head not to make the bestseller's list....or any other reason.

I gained quite a bit of respect for Stephen King after reading of his meager beginnings, his marriage, his ordeal after a hit and run accident, and his dedication to being himself. I hope it stays with me for the rest of my writing days. 


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