31 Days in pictures: Day Ten

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the silliest things with. 

Mary Sue
I do have friends outside of my family but my family is so cool I have the best time. When my mom and I get out in public, at home, and even at church (yes I still sit with my mommy at church) we tend to turn into giggly little girls. We've always had a good and close relationship. One of our favorite activities is to go shopping sprees...to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or any kind of thrifty store. We have a ball in everything we do and usually giggle for weeks after wards. 
My mom & I can have fun at a funeral home. (she loves free stuff from there) 
My mom taught me that no matter what happens in life, what you have or what you don't have, you have to be able to laugh. I'm so glad she did because I definitely can laugh at so many things I should cry about. 
My favorite thing is the looks my dad gives us for getting tickled about something at church. She's the greatest and I have the most fun getting into trouble with my silly mommy! 


Gigi Ann said...

That is great, I love that you and your Mommy are so close. Like I've said before, nothing can beat the feeling... when our children grow into adults and become our best friends.

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