31 Days in pictures: Day Eleven

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate. 

It's kind of redundant to say I hate hatred but it's the one thing I think the world could do without...hatred. There's no need, no reason for so much hatred in this world. I don't understand it and I can't believe that anyone could build their life on so much of it. It kills me every time I see anything on the news about the hatred that is displayed in the world. 

My mom prohibited the word in our house. Her thing was you don't hate anything, you just strongly dislike it.

I just don't understand why people can display so much hatred for things or people that are different from them. It's like killing all the wild flowers except one kind...it makes the world a little less beautiful. 


Gigi Ann said...

That's a good answer. I remember when our kids were young, I told them they could never tell me they hate me. I said now you may go to your room and think to yourself I hate her, but you must never say it to my face. My oldest son looked at me almost in shock, and said, "How did you know that?" I said, "because I was young once too, and when we get disciplined we don't always feel good about the person who disciplined us."

Regina said...

I love this! I always tell my kids sometimes we have to agree to disagree on things but we shouldn't be harsh to one another.

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