All About Me

Hello! My name is Catherine!

Since I was a little girl, I've lived in a world of my own. I could entertain myself for hours with just the images and voices  in my head. Growing up as a military brat this came in handy. As I got older I started to put those voices, images, and entire worlds into words on paper. Mostly for myself and then for class assignments later. Writing was fun and a good way of getting out of talking in front of the class. (I don't have that problem anymore.)

I had my family straight out of high school and focused on raising them and putting food on the table. I still do. I've always had the voices and stories in my head and from time to time they ended up on paper but only for me. Recently, however, I have rekindled my love for writing and while I logically know that the writing market is wild, I can't help but follow my dream to write. It isn't something I see happening as a lucrative career. It is however something I am passionate about. I write for myself and to give life to those voices that keep me company.

A little more about me personally.

I work full time while working on my Bachelor's in Humanities.
I have 3 awesome young men that I've had the privilege to get to raise. Chris 22, Andrew, 17, and Shelby 14. They are a blessing and real inspiration (plus an amazing amount of material comes from their shenanigans)
I live in a rural area in Kentucky. Far enough out but close enough to civilization too.

I have a great life and am blessed beyond measure by God. Thank you for stopping and checking out my ramblings. Let me know what you think and what I can do to improve.

May God bless you and keep you all the days of your life!

