31 Days in pictures: Day Thirteen

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist. 

First let me explain...I know I am a grown up, with children, a house, a job, and all the wonderful responsibilities of being a grown up. However, I was born in the seventies and grew up in the middle of the punk revolution. It made a permanent mark on my musical psyche. These guys always bring me back to my youth and put a spring in my step. They aren't my only band just the band that's on my bucket list to go to a live concert. (Sad I know). The really funny thing about it is that I listen to primarily Contemporary Christian music. Truth be told, I'm open to all music. I was raised by a child of the sixties and a dad who grew up listen to the radio not watching tv so I was exposed to so many different kinds of music. I'm so thankful for that because it makes me able to sit through my boys' music without wanting to barf. ha! ha! All in all, these guys are my favorite because they bring me back from the land of middle age, boredom, and they have a longevity that so many bands don't get. 


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