31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-nine

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile. 
taken by Crisco
SUNSHINE!!!! Sunshine always makes me smile. This image was taken by my oldest son and makes me smile ten times over. We've had such a wonderful winter that I crave the feel of the sun on my skin. Oh how I miss it. Looking at this picture I can't help but smile as my mind remembers the sounds, feels, and smells of what it had to be like on this sunny day.

Side note: sorry this post was so late.I am a Bipolar. I and my entire family suffer from days when I can not clear the mess that is in my head. I've fought with it all week to keep it in check. Today was my reboot date only I didn't figure it out until about 4:30 today and slept for the past 5 hours. I can say that I'm rebooting back up in a positive way but it's always a battle. I'm so thankful for sunshine in the form of three amazing young men who accept me the way I am and parents who are so supporting. Mental illness or whatever you want to call effects more than just those of us stuck in it. I appreciate that those in my life who have chosen to stick by me do so with so much love, understanding, and encouragement. If I could put that in a picture, that would be my smile picture for the day. 


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