Sunday Sayings

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." ~ Jimmy Dean

*(Sunday Sayings is a meme I created to share the quotes that shape my thoughts and life. I always try to give credit to those who's words I dearly love. If you see any that are unknown and you know who created it please let me know so I can give proper ownership. Thank you)

Failures, Goals, & Birthdays!

What happened? I seemed to have dropped the ball here. I had scheduled many of the posts for my 31 Days in Pictures project and thought everything was all wrapped up. Life has happened and I didn't check in as I should have. So what happened? The blogsphere gremlins, that's what happened. All but maybe one of my scheduled posts are MIA. Gone. Kapoot. So here I am humbly apologizing for my short comings. Should I go on with them or should I just call it over. That I haven't really decided. On one hand, I don't like leaving things unfinished. On the other, now it seems a little vain and self-absorbed to rattle on and on about me. I know this blog was started as my person documentation of my personal growth but now that some people actually READ it, I am humbled enough to know I am not that interesting. I'm pondering what to do but honestly I'm leaning more to the side of abandonment. Why you ask? Because there are so many other things I'd like to blog about and I'm sure you'd rather read more interesting content. While it is nice for me to see myself and my changing preferences over the past year, I have things I want to move on to.
Mom & Me 1972
That being said, let's get on with the good stuff. Today is a momentous day for me. Today is my Fortieth Birthday! That's right. I'm declaring publicly out in the blogsphere. A little secret: I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!!! Ok really that isn't that big of a secret. I have been counting down this day for the past month. I think everyone at work is ready to kill me but they love me so they won't. Many of my friends of the same era have been having mental breakdowns over this age. Why? I know some think that things will never be the same. (Thank God) or that they are now too old for fun. (Don't think so) or that they are one more year closer to the end. (Isn't that kind of what we were heading for from day one). I do not fret about my birthday. It's a gift to make it one more year. I've been graced with yet another year to enjoy my life, to forge a place for myself on this rock we call earth, to accomplish my goals, to fulfill whatever mission I have on this earth, and to enjoy life. Therefore, I love this day. Today, February 25th at 10:29 am I turn 40! Happy Birthday to me! 

To go along with one of the hopefully many milestones of my life, this week I attended a workshop at work called Person Goal Setting: Reverse Engineering. Wow! I was so impressed. I've been to so many of these workshops (I work in higher education so we get "professional developed" on a regular basis) but this one actually laid it our in the most simplistic manor at least for me. Here's the short of it. First of all a goal is something obtainable and measurable. A Passion is something you like. I like to write. That's my passion not my goal. My goal is to write a book. That can be obtained and measured. Second of all, the presenter had us quickly list 3 goals. Then he had us close our eyes and imagine we had reached our first goal. With our eyes closed, he instructed us to tap into the rest of our senses (smell, touch, sound etc) then he said "What are the people around you saying?", "How do you feel?", "What are you doing?" etc. Then..."What was the last step you took before you got to your goal?".... Then he had us write it down. Then the step before that. Then the step before that and so on. Once we got to the very first step, he said "Now you know how to start to reach your goal". It was so simple. I don't know how many times I've thought "I want to write a book" then just thought about that. I couldn't move forward because I didn't know how to get started. Oh sure I've sat down and started banging away at the keyboard but the best I could get was a poem or a short story that died out after a few hundred words because that was as far as my simple brain could least without a plan. Now I feel like I have the tools I need to get started. Not just on the writing process but on things that I face everyday...Like the remodeling of this house I live in. It's been a work in progress for 6 years but the last year I did nothing to contribute to it's TLC project (that not the television station either) except for changing the shower curtain. So plans I am a working on. 

Not too much today though. Today is the day that my family celebrates me. The one day out of the year that this chic (who is the girl born for the last girl born in the last 40 years) gets to be a princess. So off I go to enjoy a long hot shower and a big cup of hot tea and a book. Maybe not as exciting as jetting across the country to some big party but it's just as amazing to me. I'll watch the sun come up over the tree tops shining down on my little piece of the ridge and enjoy the many gifts and blessings I have received over the last four decades. Life is truly good. 

Have a great weekend and as always happy reading! 

31 Days in pictures 2012: Day Eleven

Day Eleven 2012: 
A picture of something you hate. 

This is the same answer as last year. More than likely, it'll be the same answer every year hereafter. I don't hate anything. My mother taught me that. You don't hate anything. It's nearly the same as murder. Hate causes so many bad things. Most hate is simply a bi-product of ignorance. People hate things because they don't understand them. They don't take the time to understand them. It's different from them so they hate it. Hate feeds the world with madness. Hate has brought down whole nations and crippled groups of people. People who could have (and many who have regardless) contributed greatly to this world. Hate kills out the goodness in this world. There is so much to gain from being different. If it were not for difference we'd simply be robots doing the same things over and over and over. Where would we have gotten without the unique contributions of those who are different from ourselves? I do not understand how people can hate. Especially hate because of a color, or a gender, or nationality or look or a view. We are different and rightfully so. We make the world a better place, a brighter place, a place worth being in because of our unique ways. Hate is unnecessary. Hate is what it is. I don't like it. I wish that in my life time I could make the world see the damage that hate does. All I can do is do my part in my little part of the world each day and hope that each live I touch will touch that many more and so on and so on until it spreads like an epidemic across the nations and squash out hate. 

So what is that you strongly dislike? 
(No, I'm not going to say hate because that would cancel out everything I just said)

31 Days in pictures 2012: Day Ten

Day Ten 2012: 
A picture of someone you do silly things with.

I don't really like how I look in this picture but it is a perfect example of how even taking a family photo with these guys can be silly. Yes, It's my crazy children. They're now at that age where we are sillier than serious. We have had entire days of talking in funny Russian voices or Welsh. Every time we do something there's something silly about it. Even a ride to Church can be made silly. I was raised with humor and so were my guys. We do so many things that will last as memories...happy memories. Of throwing sticks in the creek after a rain storm and running around the car doing a Chinese fire drill just because we can. I'm their mother first and foremost. I know I've had to teach them right and wrong but I'm most proud that I've taught them to stop and laugh once in a while. If it takes sitting in a booth at an eatery talking in weird accents then by all means we'll be that weird family doing so. I wouldn't trade one embarrassing moment for it. Plus, look at all the ammo I'll have to use to tell embarrassing stories to my grandchildren about their fathers. hee hee

So do you do silly things with? 

31 Days in pictures 2012: Day Nine

First off, Happy Valentine's Day to the Blogsphere! I'm not a huge V-Day fan. It's another one of those holidays that reminds those of who don't have overly romantic other halves that we are missing out on something. Something that makes others giddy with excitement. Personally, I'd love that. But it doesn't happen any time of the year for me so why should I expected on a specific day. That's not to say I'm not loved. I know I'm loved. I just am not flowers and cards kind of loved. An oil change or brake job here and there but no flowers or candy or cards. Actually, I can't remember but one time in the last 11 years that I've gotten a card from my other half. But this post is not about my Valentine Woos. It's about the pictures. So on with the pics:

Day Nine 2012: 

A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most.  

I think this was my answer last year too. It's my parents. Look at those smiles! They have been there for me more than I've ever deserved. They taught me to love unconditionally, cry when you need to cry, scream when you need to scream, but always remember to smile and laugh at yourself from time to time. To never take life so serious that you miss the little moments that make it all. They're the perfect friends and they perfect role models. They're not perfect and they never expected me to be. They love me for all my flaws, for all the talents they think I have, and for the things that make me the individual I am. They've stuck by me when even I wanted to give up. I don't know what kind of person I would be if it weren't for them. I hope to be half as awesome as they are. 

So who's been there for you? Who has been the one to get you through the most? 

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Eight

Day Eight 2012: 
A picture that makes you laugh. 

Confession time. I have very odd children. They take great pride in being completely outside the box. This picture gives me the giggles because it's a perfect example of how one can act silly for the camera without knowing the others are doing a photo bomb in the background. (By the way: my oldest - the one on the right - is not a serial killer. He just plays one on film) This was Christmas day at my mother's and the one in the middle was singing a cover of Red Solo cup but replacing it with Orange Thermal Cup while posing for the camera. Little Bit, the one on the left, was sliding in the frame doing an impression of a spy and the oldest doing is dangedest to look as creepy as possible. Mission accomplished. Yes, I have to laugh a lot because it's so much cheaper than real therapy. Ha! Ha! I wouldn't trade all the weirdness for one sane moment if it didn't involve these guys. They put the smile, the giggle, the heart in my everyday life.  

So that's my odd but true picture that makes me laugh. What picture makes you laugh? 
You don't have to play along, just leave a comment below and tell me what picture puts some jiggle in your belly. 

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Seven

Day Seven 2012: 
A picture of Your Most Treasured Item. 

I have many things I treasure. My Children, my Bible, my home, my Jeep, my job, my Laptop, my dishwasher, my microwave, my Netflix, my cellphone, etc. For this I think I'm going to have to say this: 
I think that's pretty much self explanatory but in case its not. I love my Kindle. Not a Kindle Fire...Just a plain Jane Kindle and my little red cover with the cool mojo stand. I like it because I can carry lots of books with me and have them at my finger tips. I can also set it to read to me on my long drive home. It's my friend. I bought it for myself with the trade-in program (if you have textbooks you want to get rid of you should check it out). I love it. It helped me get through my mono days this year and it's always nearby to let me escape the mad world I live in. I love it because my make believe friends live in there and the worlds I would never get to visit are too. It also helps that when I need a break form getting lost or need a different distraction, there's a couple of games on there too. The built in dictionary helps too. Sometimes a word or two can mean so many other things and to be able to just click and get the definition is a wonderful thing. So while I know there are many other things in my life that might be more valuable, I treasure this the most at this moment, right here, right now in time. I don't know what I did before I got it. Oh yeah! I remember, I lugged books around and had stacks everywhere (Ok. I still have the stacks but you get the point) I love my Kindle. 

What about you? What's your most treasured item? 

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Six

Day Six 2012: 

A picture of a person you'd like to trade places with for a day.
Once upon a time ago, I wanted to change places with just about anyone. As I've gotten to know myself better (that seems to be one of the benefits of getting older) I am really starting to like me. I'm not so bad. I can even be kind of enjoyable. So I thought about this and wondered who I would like to trade places with for a day. There's so many possibilities and I really had a hard time with this one. While I wanted to answer differently than I did last year, my choice is the same. My friend Teresa. 

Why? Because she's super cool. Ok truly it's because I admire the life she has built for herself and her family. She's home schools, she's crafty, she has a great sense of humor, and a wonderful dedication to her community. She's just one of those people you meet and think to yourself, "Gee! I wish I could be more like her." I've just always admired her for being her. Having said that, let me also say that I have really grown to love the person I am becoming. Every day I learn something new about myself. Sometimes I even feel a wee bit self absorbed (don't we all) but all in all I love who I am becoming. So other than this question for the day, I don't really want to be anyone other than who I am. I'm pretty cool for a geeky ol' klutz. I'm happy in my own skin. That is amazing to me considering where I came from. 

What about you? Who would you trade places with for a day? 
(I'm sure you guys have more imagination with this than I did)

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Five

Day Four: A picture of your favorite Memory.

I took this picture with my middle son, Wesley during a record breaking rain. This is the stream on our property that is normal less than a babbling brook. It was a ragging force this day. It wasn't until a few days later that anyone noticed the picture resembled an angel. The best part of this day, though was watching my nearly grown 6 foot something son play in the  rain! Priceless!

What is your favorite memory? 
Don't forget to link your post below! 

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Four

Day Four 2012: 
A picture of your favorite night.

This is a picture of a sudden summer storm rolling in. The sky was majestic! I grew up with hurricanes and tropical storms but I had never witnessed a storm rolling in like this one. The sky was lined with rings of clouds engulfing the area. That night Mother Nature played a beautiful symphony of thunder and rain all around us. The sky lit up with lightning like pyrotechnics at a rock concert. It was such a relaxing evening. The sound of thunder clapping the sky above and vibrating the earth beneath us...the rain dancing on the tin roof over our heads...the lightning flashing to reveal the wonders of the black rings above. It was amazing. No one was hurt and nothing was damaged. It was just another one of God's amazing treats to remind us how great Mother Nature truly is. 

What was your favorite night? 
Don't forget to leave a comment or link below.

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Three

Day Three: A picture of the cast of your favorite TV show.

I'm posting a picture of my favorite regeneration of my favorite TV show. For those of you who follow you'll know what I mean by that. (For the rest of you, check HERE)

Let me just say that I LOVE, LOVE everyone of these guys that were with the 10th Doctor but that doesn't mean I don't like like the 11th Doctor. Those of you who follow Doctor Who know that you have a certain Doctor that sticks with you and you just can't seem to let him go. David Tennant was that Doctor for me. I also love Catherine Tate as Donna. I always felt they were kindred spirits in a way. But enough of that. This is a picture challenge not my babbling post for the week. 

So who's your favorite cast? 

Don't forget to link your post below! 

31 Day in Pictures 2012: Day Two

Day Two 2012: 
A picture of you and someone you used to be close to.
Robyn & Me Christmas 1988
This and still is one of the best people on earth! 
Robyn was my saving grace at one time. She was there for me in some pretty dark times and stuck by me as I tried to regain some sanity. I don't know that I would be who I am if it hadn't been for her being there for me when I thought I had no one else. We're many miles apart now and both have completely different lives but I hope she knows how much she meant to me then and still does. She grew up to be what she always was at amazing nurse! 

So who are you wishing you were still close to? 
Don't forget to link your post below! 

31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day One

Last year (2011) I started the year off with a “31 days in pictures” self-challenge. Somehow, I got redirected to one of those old posts and thought why not do it again, a year later. Kind of like see where I am now and where I was. It’s always good to look back once in a while. 
So without all my usual babble Here we go...

Day One 2011 
and now 
Day One 2012
A current picture of me and 15 facts

Me at Christmas 2011
  • I graduated from College with an Associates of Arts in 2011. 
  • I love my job even though when people ask me what I do I simply say I answer the phone. 
  • I still bite my nails.
  • I turn 40 on February 25th and am looking forward to it. 
  • I think better without shoes on.
  • I want to go to Alaska before I die.
  • I have an irrational fear of dentists. (Even though I have the nicest one on earth) 
  • I sleep with my laptop next to me where most would have a significant other. (& I'm ok with that) 
  • I've never really feared being alone.
  • I love to eat frosting out of the container sans cake. 
  • I didn't start plucking my eyebrows until I was in my 30s.
  • I like that I’m not just like everyone else but sometimes wish I could feel more at ease trying to blend in. 
  • I've dated the same man for 11 ½ years but I’m the one that doesn't want to get married. 
  • I love bracelets even if they look tacky. 
  • I secretly watch videos on how to do eye makeup and up dos even though I don't wear much make up and seem to always clip my hair up. 

And that is me in a nutshell…well, no, not even close really but you get a small glimpse. Looking back at last year, most of what I wrote is the same. I just realized that of all the things on both lists, I only repeated one: The bare feet thing. I’m not sure why it helps but I can think and create better without the constraints of shoes. That has never changed. (By the way, I get that from my mom who used to hide her shoes as a kid when she left the house.) As for everything on last year’s list, they still apply. 

So that was Day One. If you want to play along I've list the topics HERE. Just link below or on the Challenge page so we can all follow along. 

Happy Reading everyone!

Sunday Sayings 2/05/2012

"No great man ever complains of want of opportunity" 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pinks and Blues and Bipolar too

Yesterday, on the extremely long drive to work (roughly 30 miles one way) as I often do, I let my mind wonder about. It usually comes back with some great topic to scribble about, a line or two to start a poem, or a to-do list if nothing else. I watched the shades of pink and pale blue intermingle across the sky as daylight started to take over and it reminded me of my Bipolar. It's kind of like that. I've never hid it. I don't out and out advertise it but I don't hide. It's part of me. Part of who I am. Back to where I started. Pinks and Blues. Most of the world that sees me, sees the Pinks. The smiles. The Sunshine. The Bright, happy girl. And for the most part, at this time in my life, it isn't all fake. In the past, sure, it had to be a front. At times now it still has to be forced. However, for the most part I'm becoming happy with who I am. I've excepted the many flaws I have and have actually accepted some of them as strengths more so than flaws. At work, at church, even among my friends, I'm the Pink one. The Blues? I'm still there too. I'll always be there. Much like the morning sky, you can't separate the two. There was a time in my life when I wanted to. Desperately, I wanted to separate them. I wanted to paint over, erase, ignore the fine lines of the Blue bleeding over into the Pink. I see now though that the Blue, next to the Pink, makes it POP as they say. The Blue enhances the Pink. Makes the truly Pink moments brighter. 

I even miss the Blues at times. Some of my best works have come in deep dark Blues. That's when the most creative moments come. The Muses even come and stay. I have a better appreciation for them now. I want to master the ability to control the be able to dive into the Blue shades and dig out the bits that make the words and moments flow so naturally but be able to return when I want to. That would be amazing. But to control such a thing would be wrong. It wouldn't be organic and that is the truly great thing about the color spectrum between the Pinks and the Blues. The shades in between make life worth living. 

Funny thing about the Pinks and the Blues, sometimes they contect in incidental moments and you don't know until much later. This lovely moment happened yesterday morning around 7 am. I got home yesterday close to 6ish. There was one of those lovely manila envelopes waiting for me on the table. I love those padded packages. It means I've received a book to review. There's always something wonderful waiting inside (sometimes not so wonderful but that's another story). It was a book sent for me to read and review: A Hidden Madness By James T.R. Jones  

"A Hidden Madness tells the story of an accomplished individual who has reached the pinnacle of his profession despite suffering for over thirty years from the severe mental illness bipolar disorder. He has done so mostly in silence because of fear of stigma. Extreme childhood bullying helped cause his condition, which has seen him hospitalized five times in psychiatric facilities for periods as long as six months. It is an eye-opening voyage through the little-understood realm of severe mental illness featuring its powerful medications, periodic hospitalizations, often rocky relationships, and light as well as dark moments. The story offers both real hope for those afflicted by serious mental illness and deep insight into their many symptoms, numerous drugs, periodic crises, and potential triumphs. It shows that by being compliant with a medical regimen of therapy and medication, getting help and support from others with the same illness, benefitting from a loving family, discovering coping mechanisms to get through every day, having caring and understanding friends, and being too stubborn to let a disease ruin his life one can enjoy a successful and fulfilling professional and personal life".~ Amazon blurb
I remember when my mother and father were first told that I was, as they liked to call it back then, a Manic-Depressive. (Whoever came up with the term Bipolar has my eternal gratitude. It fits so much better. It is like living in two worlds at times.) The doctors actually instructed my mother to put locks on the cutlery drawers and had her afraid of me. In general, most Bipolars are content with self hate...we don't attack (in general). I am blessed that I have several things going for me. I am in the generation where we sought help, I have an amazing support system (parents who wanted to know & help and children who I've never hid it from), I had the opportunities to educated myself, and of course, I am not a severe case. Each person's is different. I can function and most of the world has no idea that I'm considered mental ill. I am so excited to get to read Pro. Jones book. To get a glimpse into the life of someone who has Bipolar and has, in the eyes of the world, become a success, is a victory of sorts. Many people don't even realize that many of us with Bipolar are intelligent, crafty, creative individuals, and an asset to the rest of the world. It is such a huge leap from the days when I was first diagnosed. 

I'm also excited that Pro. Jones teaches in the state I now call home. Somehow, that makes it feel more personal. I don't know. I'm crazy after all. There's a fine line there. So now I'm off to catch some moments of peaceful reading before the world starts buzzing again.