Out of office...on vacation

Sorry for the lack of activity. I haven't given up on blotting...I'm on vacation. I just was so wrapped up in having everything ready for us to leave I didn't plan for the blog. *face of shame* Rest assured! I'll be back in a few days and I'll make up for the lack of boring material on the blog. I have one good vacation every other year (read Summer Vacation from h-e-double hockey sticks for a recap of last years) but this is my good year and I'm loving it.
We've been camping on the shores of the Green River Lake and loving it. Although our many hikes planned got cut short after just one 4.5 mile hike resulted in hours (no two days) of tick searching. Still debating about throwing out a rather expensive part of Rebbock ztecks. However, the weather is awesome. The people aregreat. They lake water is perfect and today is nothing but lake time and a round of minature golf.
The picture was taken by my son of our first evening at camp. That's how every evening looks from here. Needless to say...I'm in heaven.
Until later...have a great week!

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Musing Mondays (June 20th)

Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB on Should be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
Do you like movies made from books? Which ones do you think have been done well — kept mostly to the plot of the book, etc?
As a general rule, no. There are exceptions but for the most part I think it's impossible to reach the level of detail a book has in the time constraints of a motion picture. Also when I read a book that is really well written (even some not so well written) I become emotionally invested in the characters. One of the things I truly love about reading is that it takes my mind to another place and into others' lives. I develop a kind of relationship with these characters that even the author may not have intended. I hear their voices, understand their mannerisms, even see their physical appearance.

When someone makes a movie out of a book...even a favorite read of mine...the people placed in the movie are based on someone else's interpretation of the characters. While it may be a perfect match for what the author had intended, in my mind it's hard to match up and it turns me off to them and the story before it ever gets a chance to prove itself to me. I know that's not fair but that's how my mind works. Then, as I mentioned before, time constraints force the movie makers to cut and paste story lines and plot and even minor things that make the books so great to me. Perfect example is the Twilight series. There was so much in the book and I understand that they had to make adjustments to get it on screen but one of my favorite parts of the series which really summed up to me some of the obstacles Bella had was her aversion to blood. It was left out of the movie series and to me this killed some of the poeticness of the story. 

I'm a little leary about The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It was a great, no awesome, book that had crying, laughing, and rooting for the characters every inch of the way. No the movies coming out and I'm so hoping I don't let myself get distracted by the fact that Emma Stone (who I love) is playing the main character. I had a different image and voice in my head when I read it. I love Emma Stone's distinctive voice and I hope that I don't let it distract me from a good film. From the previews it looks as if they're staying true to the story...from what I can tell. 

As a general rule, I try to watch the movie before I read the book so that I can enjoy the medium but that's hard to do sometimes. I've said it before and I'll keep reminding myself that they are two distinctly different things. Sometimes it's hard when you so dearly love the written word. But I'll keep working on that. 

So how about you? What you think? Do you like movies made from books? Let me know. 

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! 

Sunday Sayings (June 12)

A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. ~Josh S. Hinds


Here's a quickie to start the weekend off right. 
Just remember to Express Yourself! 

Just do it however you see fit today! And if you run into me today, I may not be sporting a sign but I give free hugs anytime! 

Have a great weekend!!!

Musing Mondays (June 6th)

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. ~Arnold Toynbee 

Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB on Should be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
Where is your favorite place to read?

My first response? Anywhere there's a book. ha! ha! Seriously though I love to read sitting on my front porch. Living in the country has its ups and downs (pros and cons) whatever you want to call them but a definite plus is that I can sit on the front porch, listen to the birds sing and jabber with one another, the sounds of cows yaking it up, and feel the breeze (cool or warm), and sometimes listen to the rain as it drizzles on the metal roof and get lost in whatever book I'm into at the moment. I love to sit out there and read. 

Other times I like to sit up in my bed and read. I live with all boys. Yes, I still believe in cooties! So hiding in my "Brain Cave" is nice sanctuary from time to time. 

So where do you like to read? 
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! 

Sunday Sayings (June 5th)

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

Genres Defined

I love reading books. Ok. I love reading nearly anything. I read blogs, books, magazines, textbooks, heck I even read cereal boxes. (You know you do too) I was at a bookstore with a friend who is a non-reader (yes, they need love too) and he asked what kind of books I like to read. Simple enough question, right? Apparently not. When I started listing what I like I noticed a bewildered look upon his face. Those of us who read regularly, you know? Those of us who must feel the books on the shelves at the local bookshop or click our way through Amazon or B &N? Well we’ve created our own language. Books are just simply books. They don’t always fit into neat little categories. There isn’t just fiction and nonfiction. There’s Thrillers and mysteries. But not JUST thrillers and mysteries.  There’s Conspiracy thrillers, crime thrillers, disaster thrillers, legal thrillers, medical thrillers, political thrillers, psychological thrillers, revenge thrillers, supernatural thrillers, and more I can’t even think of. You get my point though. You just can’t slap a neat and pretty label onto books we like to read. Most of us usually just tell a lay person we love all kinds of books. This may be the short and sweet answer but don’t get upset at Christmas if someone gives you a book called The Anthology of Pickles…you did say  you liked all kinds of books.

I’ve decided to start a weekly posting discussing genres, one by one, until we can clear up the whole “What kind of books do you like?” situation. More than likely it won’t help us answer that question to the lay person but it will help us to communicate to our peers (our fellow book snobs) what we love and even what we distain.

So let’s get started; shall we?

First, let’s go over the basic genre formats. Then we can break them down as we go. Genre, which is derived from French meaning “kind, sort, style” or basically “independent style”, is defined by  Dictionary.com means a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like: the genre of epic poetry; the genre of symphonic music. For our purposes, let’s look at the kinds of artistic endeavors we like to read. There are of course the basics: Fiction and Non-fiction. That’s a little too simplistic for my taste, your’s too I’m sure. So let’s look at Fiction since most of us love getting lost in the unreal to escape the reality that we’re trapped in (ok maybe not trapped. Personally I love my life but it is nice to sail the Seven Seas with a shirtless shipmate named Hahns from time to time.)

Fiction can consist of anything that is made up. It can be realistic and it can be completely off the wall. Fiction consists of the fantasies, fears, and failures we love to read about. You can have a strong female heroine and you can have the helpless heroine who is swept off her feet by an handsome but unlikely hero. Anything is possible. So let’s see…
Historical fiction – A fictional story with real and invented characters that take place as some point in historical time and around historical events.
Mystery – A suspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the book.

  • Fantasy – (This will have it’s on posting…it’s that huge) A story including elements that are impossible such as talking animals, magical powers, creatures of the night, and anything that can be made up out of the unbelievable.
  • Folktale – A story, often written with a hidden message, that was originally passed on by word of mouth.
  • Poetry -  A verse written to inspire the reader or reveal a deeper emotion of the writer. (I was once told that writing poetry was like running down the street naked lol)
  • Realistic Fiction – A story using made up characters that takes place in modern times.
  • Science Fiction – A story that blends futuristic technology and scientific facts with a made up story.
  • Chic Lit – Fictional writing about modern womanhood with a bit of humor and lighthearted whimsy.
  • Romantic Fiction – Do I need to define this? Ok in case you’ve been living in a cave…romance is a story about love and relationships…usually involves clothes falling off at some point.
  • Comedy – A story with funny themes and whimsical story lines. Simply put : Ha! Ha! Funny stuff!
  • Drama – A story involving conflict, action crisis, and overall atmosphere designed pull at your emotional strings and heart making you think about what is right and wrong.
  • YA (Young Adult)- A story that is geared towards younger readers (ages 14 to 21)...there's been a surge in Adults reading YA of all kinds in the last few years. (Which explains the Twilight Epidemic)

There’s a ton more but this is a good start, don’t you think? Next week we’ll go over one of these in more depth. Can you think of more? Is there a category I missed? What are your favorites? What is the hardest genre for you to get through? 

Leave a comment on your thoughts about genres .