31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-one

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget. 

I was at work when the news came over the radio about the first plane hitting. The office was dead silent when the announcement of the second plane hitting came over the radio. I didn't have television at this time so I was spared the initial shots of what happened. It was through an email that I saw the terrible images of people jumping out of the top floors in panic. It's one of two events I wish that I could not only forget but erase. The other is the Holocaust ( I couldn't stand to look at the image to put one up here).

I still don't understand why there's so much evil in the world. I will say; however,  I was proud of how people rallied together here in the United State and even around the world people rallied to right one of the most atrocious events in the free world. 


Gigi Ann said...

I remember the events of 911. I was watching Good Morning America, with Charlie Gibson and Dianne Sawyer. They were explaining that a plane had just hit the WTC. As we were watching, in comes the second airplane, and hit the other tower. I just set there dump founded. I just couldn't believe what I had just witnessed on live TV. It was at that moment that Charlie and Dianne recognized it was not just an accident, something else was going on.

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