31 Days in pictures: Day Thirty One Wrap Up Day


Thanks for following along in my 31 day madness. I don't know about you but I learned a lot. About myself. About a few of my virtual friends. And about my photo collection that desperately needs organizing. But best of all, I had fun. 

For today I just wanted to do a wrap up so here's mine. 

This was my first attempt to make a video for this blog. I'm a little proud of myself. I had fun with this months little meme. I hope everyone who followed and especially those who joined in enjoyed it as much as I did. 
So now what can we get in to? mmm

31 Days in pictures: Day Thirty

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

Ok this isnt a picture picture but I don't have a scanner and I realized I don't have a digital image of my Aunt Edith - my dad's sister, my  mom's best friend. Digital photography was only something from the Jetsons when she left us. My Aunt Edith was killed by a drunk driver 17 years ago. I miss her so much. She was a tiny woman full of life. I can still picture her with an Old Milwaukee's Best and a long Virginia Slim one in each hand. She had a hard life but seemed to be finding happiness when it was all taken away. I have forgiven the driver as much a my family my not understand but he too lost someone he cared deeply for. She was in his car when the accident happened. And yes they were both drinking. Forgiveness is what keeps me from falling apart inside. I miss her deeply and hate that she never got to meet her grandchildren but so happy I got to have her in my life. She forever made a mark on who I am. I love her so much and miss her even more. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-nine

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile. 
taken by Crisco
SUNSHINE!!!! Sunshine always makes me smile. This image was taken by my oldest son and makes me smile ten times over. We've had such a wonderful winter that I crave the feel of the sun on my skin. Oh how I miss it. Looking at this picture I can't help but smile as my mind remembers the sounds, feels, and smells of what it had to be like on this sunny day.

Side note: sorry this post was so late.I am a Bipolar. I and my entire family suffer from days when I can not clear the mess that is in my head. I've fought with it all week to keep it in check. Today was my reboot date only I didn't figure it out until about 4:30 today and slept for the past 5 hours. I can say that I'm rebooting back up in a positive way but it's always a battle. I'm so thankful for sunshine in the form of three amazing young men who accept me the way I am and parents who are so supporting. Mental illness or whatever you want to call effects more than just those of us stuck in it. I appreciate that those in my life who have chosen to stick by me do so with so much love, understanding, and encouragement. If I could put that in a picture, that would be my smile picture for the day. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-eight

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of. 

There's many things in this life that I'm afraid of but I'm going with this one. Clowns. I don't trust them. I don't like them. Never have. Never will. I know they are suppose to put a smile on our faces but I not me...especially the one in the bottom left hand corner of this picture. Burr! Gives me the willies. Now I'm not a complete Coulrophobia but I can go without having to deal with them. The only clowns I can handle are Ronald McDonald and Bozo. Not sure why but neither of them intimidate me and I'm go to go. As for the rest of you clowns, please keep away.  Thank you!

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-seven

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

This is Crisco and I about 21 years ago. He turned 21 this past Sunday. He's an amazing young man who has come through so many things. He's been braver than I could even begin to hope to be. He's made me who I am today by being who he is today. 
He'll never know how proud I am of him and how proud I am of who he's made me.

31 Days in pictures - Day Twenty-six

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot 
to you.

My family 
My family is the one thing that means the world to me. Other than my brother, who calls but doesn't visit, this my entire family. It's small but we have big hearts and a lot of love. My Grandmother, Mom, and I are the last females on my maternal side and I am so thankful I have both of them with me everyday.  

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-five

Day 25 - A picture of your favorite day. 

There's so many great favorite days. This one is from this past summer though. It was the day we all went to Green River Lake and spent the entire day swimming. We packed a picnic lunch and just lived at the water. They sky was made of the things that come out of dreams. It was hot but not so hot you couldn't stand it. I love this day. It was also the day I had so much fun I didn't realize I was burnt to a crisp...literally. I'd do it again but with SPF 5000 next time. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-four

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change. 

I've been very blessed to always have some sort of food on our table. I remember in my early parenting years my oldest and I actually ate a box of Stove Top Stuffing for supper because that was all I had. But I had it so I was and am thankful for it. There are so many in the world and even right here in the USA that go to bed hungry every night. They're even down the street and we don't always see them. 

I can't change it by myself but there small things I can do...that we all can do to help in someway. It doesn't hurt to buy one extra can of something or one extra box of cereal when we grocery shop and drop off at food bank near by or give to a family you know who's struggling. They aren't always just the poster children you see on tv. I know that when we without no one around me knew that we had bare cabinets. 

Another way to help feed the worlds hungry is a website called Freerice.com This organization will donate bowls of rice you earn with word play. Here's what their website says:

About FreeRice
FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Programme.
FreeRice has two goals:
  • Provide education to everyone for free.
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
This is made possible by the generosity of the sponsors who advertise on this site.
Whether you are CEO of a large corporation or a street child in a poor country, improving your education can improve your life. It is a great investment in yourself.
Perhaps even greater is the investment your donated rice makes in hungry human beings, enabling them to function and be productive. Somewhere in the world, a person is eating rice that you helped provide.
It's fun and it's for real. I've checked. It also helps build word knowledge. It's one of the ways my Junior in high school is building his vocabulary knowledge for the ACT & ASVAB. So have fun and feed the world. 
Ok Now back to your regular scheduled blog (sorry for the rant...I get passionate about things sometimes ha! ha!)

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-three

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

It's very difficult for a bibliophile to pick one book as a favorite. I could list at least one from every genre I read. When I looked at this question I decided to come at it as not just a book lover but as more...as a logophile (lover of words) and as a writer (I define myself as a writer now not because I make money--those are authors....I write words). I picked this book from a list of books every writer should read. I can honestly say I've not read Stephen King's works but I loved this book. It's a great book for aspiring writers. He gives quite a bit of direction on how to approach the craft of writing. That's not what makes this my favorite book though. Anyone who reads this book can take away a wonderful way to look at anything you do in life. I read it and didn't read any of the other books on the list because basically he says to be a good writer you should...read...read...read! So I quite reading what other's said were the do's and don'ts of writing and started reading. I find that it doesn't matter to me what sells. After reading this book, I had the clear realization that I write because I need a home for the worlds and voices in my head not to make the bestseller's list....or any other reason.

I gained quite a bit of respect for Stephen King after reading of his meager beginnings, his marriage, his ordeal after a hit and run accident, and his dedication to being himself. I hope it stays with me for the rest of my writing days. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-two

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at. 

Housework! I'm not really bad at it but I wish I was better at staying on top of it all. I love walking into people's homes that are clean from top to bottom. I have such a bad habit of relying on my motto, "Our living room is our 'living' room" meaning don't mind the mess. I would love to be one of those people who kept everything up so that it wasn't so overwhelming. 

They Were All Blue.

They were all blue.
Born they were. 
They were all blue.
Whimpering they were.
They were all blue.
Plump and round they were.
They were all blue.
Healthy they were.
They were all blue.
Hungry they were.
They were all blue.
Nuzzling closely they were.
They were all blue.
Suckling deeply they were.
They were all blue.
Ticked and spotted they were.
They were all blue.
Just like mama they were.
They were all blue.
Category: 2 comments

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty-one

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget. 

I was at work when the news came over the radio about the first plane hitting. The office was dead silent when the announcement of the second plane hitting came over the radio. I didn't have television at this time so I was spared the initial shots of what happened. It was through an email that I saw the terrible images of people jumping out of the top floors in panic. It's one of two events I wish that I could not only forget but erase. The other is the Holocaust ( I couldn't stand to look at the image to put one up here).

I still don't understand why there's so much evil in the world. I will say; however,  I was proud of how people rallied together here in the United State and even around the world people rallied to right one of the most atrocious events in the free world. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Twenty

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel. 

ALASKA!!! When can I go? ha! ha! 
I've never watched Ice Road Truckers. It's just a place I want to go to someday.Ok no it's THE place I want to go. I would like to take a cruise but I would LOVE to travel the whole state. Maybe even settle there one day in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and enjoy the scenery and write until my heart's content. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Nineteen

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little. 

My First Mug shot
Ha! Ha! I love this picture. It's not really my first mugshot. It's my first passport picture. I was apparently fascinated with the camera man. 
I look more like America's Most Wanted Toddler. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Eighteen

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

My biggest insecurity is being a failure. A failure as a mother. A failure as a child of God. A failure as friend. I don't want to let anyone down.

But don't we all fear failing? 

31 Days in pictures: Day Seventeen

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently. 
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw
Recently I caught my reflection in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. Outside or inside. I've let myself become complacent in life. I've settled for what I have here and now. My life is good; don't get me wrong. I'm just standing still though. I'm not growing. Well, my rear is growing but that's another story. I have always had hopes and dreams. Desires. Plans. I've let them all not only set on the back burner but I put them on the top shelf of the pantry for another day. I let myself get comfy in being just here. I can't tell you a particular day but it hit me. I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I'll turn 40 in 2012. I don't see it as old or a bad milestone. I hope that when that rolls around I can look in the mirror and smile. I want to be proud of what and where I am. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Sixteen

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

Maya Angelou

I like her works but more she inspires me because of her positive attitude. She maintains such an up beat, loving attitude even though she has endured more things than most could ever imagine. You virtually never see her without a smile plastered across her face. She puts so much heart and feeling into her writings. She inspires me to be a better person. A better mother. A better friend. A better writer. A better human. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Fifteen

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die. 

I've always loved the written word. Well, I've always loved to write words. When I was around ten years old, I wrote a murder mystery called Murder at Manatee General. An over active imagination has always left plenty of fodder to put on paper. Before I die, I want to write a book. I have already been working on it and hopefully someday I'll get to a point that it's ready for someone to read. It's always been my secret dream to share the voices in my head with the world. I hope that someone out there will think they're worth their time to read. 

If nothing else, maybe I'll have something for the bargain bin to share. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Fourteen

Day 14 - A picture of someone you can't live without. 

There it is. I have many close to me but I could not live with out Jesus Christ in my life daily. I wouldn't want to live my life without him. I have never been able to put my testimony into words (funny since I love words so much) but he has touched my heart in the least likely of times and has carried me through more storms than I even knew I was in. My life is full because he's there with me every step of the way. Although he has to knock me down from time to time to remind me I'm a passenger not the pilot. But isn't great to have such a wonderful and loving "friend" to be there and never be a lone. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Thirteen

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist. 

First let me explain...I know I am a grown up, with children, a house, a job, and all the wonderful responsibilities of being a grown up. However, I was born in the seventies and grew up in the middle of the punk revolution. It made a permanent mark on my musical psyche. These guys always bring me back to my youth and put a spring in my step. They aren't my only band just the band that's on my bucket list to go to a live concert. (Sad I know). The really funny thing about it is that I listen to primarily Contemporary Christian music. Truth be told, I'm open to all music. I was raised by a child of the sixties and a dad who grew up listen to the radio not watching tv so I was exposed to so many different kinds of music. I'm so thankful for that because it makes me able to sit through my boys' music without wanting to barf. ha! ha! All in all, these guys are my favorite because they bring me back from the land of middle age, boredom, and they have a longevity that so many bands don't get. 

A word from a single mom

This may sound like a rant but it's not. It's my view. Not on your life or anyone else's but on mine. If this helps someone in a similar situation - good. I hope it gets through to those who point fingers and pass judgment on others when they don't really know what goes on in one’s family or home.

I'm a single mom. That was not in my plan but it's the plan I was given. Whether through poor choices or through a high power (that would be God by the way) this is the life I have. God blessed me with three boys. Life left me with no "man of the house". I took responsibility for my life. I've worked. I've put food on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on their backs, and love in their hearts. I've stayed up late after work making classroom party favors, Halloween costumes, and even risen before daylight to get things rolling for their day. Between all of us, we've always filled our home with laughter...good times and bad. With one child blessed with special needs and two others with their own issues to live through, I've done the best that I could to do with the tools that I've had at my disposal. All in all, I think I've done a good job. None of my children have been in trouble with the law. None of my children are on drugs or alcohol. None of my children are failing school. They go to church not because I make them but because the truly want to. They’re healthy, happy, basically well-adjusted (for teenagers) and good citizens.

I've always had some who make a point to advise me I have a tough time raising them because I'm doing it without a man. I didn't know two parent families had it easy! Also, to them I say, have you met my father? The man my boys refer to as the Alpha American? The man who has shown them how to be a true man...respect themselves; respect others; to look after those weaker than themselves. I am thankful beyond measure for my dad showing them how a real man carries himself and conducts himself in life and for showing them to enjoy what they’ve been blessed with. (See sometimes the "man" - the true man - isn't even under the same roof even when there's a man under the same roof).

Having said this let me now add that my boys have not been deprived of a meaningful life because they were saddled with a solo mom. In many ways they are a head of the game in life. They understand sacrifice and more than the sacrifice of not getting a new pair of name brand shoes or not getting a brand new sports car. They understand that sometimes; most times, a person has to put themselves last in wants, desires, even needs, to provide for the whole. They understand how to make a night of fun out of a bunch of candles, a board game and family circled round when the weather takes the power out.  They understand that things aren't handed to you and the things that are? Well, they know that they are true gifts to be appreciated. They understand, and even appreciate, not going to a fancy vacation spot but packing a picnic lunch to go to a local swimming hole for the day or even turning down an unknown road to see where it goes.

They may have been deprived a "man of the house" but they've always had the Father with them - looking out for them; protecting them; loving them. Not all homes are the picture perfect ones we've been conditioned to see as ideal but a family in any form that is loving, Godly, and supporting is HIS perfect one. Before you offer advice that someone has a hard time or is lacking because there isn't a man around the house, ask yourself are you the one to cast that stone? Are your children perfect? Is your family perfect? The answer is no because none are. But our family is no less a family because you can't see "a man of the house". Our man of the house lives in our hearts, our souls.

For those out there doing this solo, woman or man, hold your head up, thank God every day for the gifts he has given you and the wisdom to do it right. He'll answer prayers and your children will be just fine.

Final note, I am very pro-family. It is ideal to have mom and dad both but to criticize those who don't is wrong. They're there and they are taken responsibility for the gifts and challenges we all have. Encourage them. Praise them. Most of all, put your stones down.

31 Days in pictures: Day Twelve

Day 12 - A picture of something you love. 

I have a lot of things and people I love. This is, however, one of my greatest loves.

“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.”

~C.S. Lewis
I love the written word. You can escape to far off lands, times, even worlds. You can learn to do anything on this planet from a book. You can find yourself or lose yourself in a book.
"Books are humanity in print" ~Barbara W. Tuchman

I love books in nearly every form. I don't believe in book burning, book banning, or book rebellions. I believe everyone who can read has been given a great gift. You can be so many things with a book. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Eleven

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate. 

It's kind of redundant to say I hate hatred but it's the one thing I think the world could do without...hatred. There's no need, no reason for so much hatred in this world. I don't understand it and I can't believe that anyone could build their life on so much of it. It kills me every time I see anything on the news about the hatred that is displayed in the world. 

My mom prohibited the word in our house. Her thing was you don't hate anything, you just strongly dislike it.

I just don't understand why people can display so much hatred for things or people that are different from them. It's like killing all the wild flowers except one kind...it makes the world a little less beautiful. 

31 Days in pictures: Day Ten

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the silliest things with. 

Mary Sue
I do have friends outside of my family but my family is so cool I have the best time. When my mom and I get out in public, at home, and even at church (yes I still sit with my mommy at church) we tend to turn into giggly little girls. We've always had a good and close relationship. One of our favorite activities is to go shopping sprees...to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or any kind of thrifty store. We have a ball in everything we do and usually giggle for weeks after wards. 
My mom & I can have fun at a funeral home. (she loves free stuff from there) 
My mom taught me that no matter what happens in life, what you have or what you don't have, you have to be able to laugh. I'm so glad she did because I definitely can laugh at so many things I should cry about. 
My favorite thing is the looks my dad gives us for getting tickled about something at church. She's the greatest and I have the most fun getting into trouble with my silly mommy! 

31 Days in pictures: Day Nine

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most. 

Greatest Parents in the world! 

I have to say both of these wonderful people. They are my mom and dad. I have an amazingly close relationship with them. It hasn't always been great. As a matter of fact, it's been quite hellish at times...in the past that is. I couldn't be any of who I am if it weren't for these two people. No matter what has come up in my life, what obstacles I've come up against, what trials or tribulations I've had or will have, they both have been there supporting me emotional, pushing me, encouraging me, praising me, crying with me, and laughing with me. I've said before I'd want to be friends with them even if they weren't my parents and I'll say it again. They've helped me through my life but I've also watched them help others they same way. They are amazing and I've been so blessed to have them in my life. I'm so glad they're going to live for ever! =)