A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012: Uninspired

I'm uninspired today. I'm getting my son ready for his Senior  trip to Florida. It's amazing how long a 17 year old boy can procrastinate.  We've known this trip was coming for 6 months and at this moment  he's just now washing up his clothes. I worry about him being several states away especially since he can't remember where he puts his wallet half the time. However, I do know that this is a great trip for him and his classmates. In a couple of weeks they graduate and go their separate ways. It'll also be a growth experience for this kid who has grown up in the foothills of Kentucky. Oh he's been out of the state but this will be his first independent trip. Frankly, I think his brothers are just as happy he's going away for a while. Ha! Ha! Senior year has been very focused on him and all his many activities; as it should be and as it will be when Little Bit makes this trip four years from now. 

So this is why I am quite uninspired to post today. I've thought about it several times but couldn't think of a thing except what to remind him to pack. So that is it for tonight. I'll leave you with a picture we snapped this weekend. It was one of those great moments with my guys. I love these moments and so glad I have the pictures to remember them by. I know one day they'll be what I have to hold on to. 

family picture
Me and my Loons!
Ok! I'm one of the Loons too! 

Now for my "theme" of the A to Z Challenge:

Today's homophone...

Unreel (verb) to unwind from or as if from a reel.
For example, She needs to unreel 40 yards of rope to reach the bottom of the cavern.

Unreal (adjective) not real or actual, imaginary; fanciful; fantastic
For example, The unicorn in the front yard was unreal. 

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Happy Reading Everyone!


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