A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012: B

Day two of the great A to Z Blogging Challenging! It's been an awesome start...at least for me. Already made some virtual friends and looking forward to many more connections. Plus, I'm digging the creativity everyone is showing this year. 

So today is all about the B's! For me, this is the day to rattle on about something near and dear to my heart...Bipolar! Before you go running for cover, let me just say that not all bipolar people are the same. I, of course, am not like any other person I've ever met (sane or not). I've got a mild case in respect to some. I have what I call my "personalities". Bipolar Betty is the dangerous one. She's also the fun one. If you want to know more about bipolar you can check out this link: Bipolar Intro. There are many different types of bipolar, many different ways to handle being bipolar, and you can't always pick us out in a crowd. I have been blessed with a great support system that helps me deal and keeps me on track.  Personally, I don't like the word illness or condition because, for me, it's simply part of who I am. It's like I'm on a roller coaster with a lot of radios, TVs, and web pages going off in my head 24/7. 

In case you are wondering, bipolar does not always mean a person is "crazy" nor does it necessarily mean they are extremely intelligent. Yes, we do think a little differently than the general population but that isn't because we are smarter. We just have to use our cycling brain a little differently. For most of us, it isn't that we think outside of the box, it's just that we didn't know there was supposed to be a box to begin with. 

Did you know that the following people were/are bipolar? 

Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)
Jean-Claude Ban Damme
Linda Hamilton (The Terminator woman)              
Vincent van Gogh (Painter)
Virginia Woolf (English novelist)                                
Jane Pauley (TV anchorwoman)
Catherine Zeta-Hones (actress)                                  
Demi Lovato (actress/singer)
Jack Irons (Drummer Red Hot Chilli Peppers)     
Brian Wilson (Beach Boys)
Dick Cavett (Journalist)                                                 
Richard Dreyfuss (actor)
Ned Betty (actor)                                                               
Patrick Kennedy (US Representative)
Isaac Newton (scientist)                                                 
Theodore Roosevelt (US President)
Winston Churchhill (English statesman)                
Ted Turner (business man/tv mogul)
Jim Carey (actor/comedian)                                         
Buzz Aldrin (astronaut)

The list goes on and on. There's just as many who find it crippling but with a good support system, education, and more times than not, the right medication, a person can not only function in society but exceed expectations. Many people with bipolar are creative, intelligent, and driven. With anything in life, finding a balance helps. I have found that being upfront and honest with people that I am not always "sane" has helped. I have found a way to use my manic moments for good instead of evil (the credit cards are locked away for a reason) and I've found outlets for my "cycling" moments thanks to the world of writing so that I can function at work and in life. If you have someone in your life that is dealing with bipolar, don't be afraid. Educate yourself. A great organization and resource to help those with Bipolar or if you have someone you care about with it, is NAMI. Check them out for some great resources that can help.

Now for my "theme" of the A to Z Challenge:

Today's homophone...

Break (verb) To smash, split, or divide into parts violently. 
For example: There are no breaks for posting in the month of April for A to Z Challenge participants.

Brake (verb) to slow or stop by means of or as if by means of a brake (don't they say never define a word with the word? oops)
For example: Bloggers need to hit the gas this month and lay of the posting brake. It's going to be an awesome month. 

BTW: Sorry for the long post this time. As you can tell this is a subject I'm extremely passionate about. Drop me line at Composing Cat if you either want more info or you want to share your story or even just have questions. I'm always open to share and find answers. The more you know, the more your grow! 


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Nicely explained!

This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

Duncan In Kuantan

Jennifer Lane said...

Great post! There's a well-known connection between Bipolar and amazing art, so no wonder you're enjoying the creativity of this year's posts. This is my first year on the challenge and I also enjoy making new cyber friends. I appreciate your efforts at destigmatizing Bipolar Disorder. Now go out there and have some fun, Betty.

Tara Tyler said...

i applaud you facing your life every day! my son may have it, but at 11 it's hard to tell - our dr says it's add, not hyperactive and some depression,not to mention puberty! but the highs and lows are pretty extreme

thanks for the awareness and i knew some of those actors had it and not surprised by the others. extreme people get noticed!

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