A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012: E is for Einstein

We're hammering through the first week of the challenge. I hope everyone still has their wits about them. Now on to the post of the day. I want to talk about Einstein. Not the part we all know, the theory of relativity or anything like that. We all know he was a genius. He thought way above most of our heads and understood things that we will never even get close to. But that's not what I'm here to post. I'm talking about the man behind the genius. They say that there's a fine line between genius and madness. I think they discovered that when Einstein came around. After he and his first wife become estranged he proposed a very odd contract between the two. He listed (yes listed) the terms such as she would have three meals a day prepared for him, she would stop talking to him when he said to, she would keep his things neat and tidy and they would no longer have any personal relations. In return, he's pretty much keep her up financially. That's a wee bit on the weird side. Apparently, it did work because they eventually divorced. When he was born, he was a cute chubby little kid with an abnormally large head and his mother thought he was disabled. Later, after his first divorce, he married a younger woman who happened to be his cousin. (See! It isn't just the American folk who have strange courtships.) He also hated science fiction, smoked like a freight train, and was terrible speller. Kind of gives us hope, huh? I may not know how to understand the theory of relativity but at least he was flawed enough to keep him from sainthood. He brought some amazing thought to the world and became the standard image of what a genius is. This post, I hope, shows that even the great ones have flaws. No one is perfect and we can all obtain greatness in our own right!  

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
~Albert Einstein

Now for my "theme" of the A to Z Challenge:

Today's homophone...

Eave (Noun) The overhanging lower edge of a roof. 
For example: The rain dripped from the eave above her window in a hypnotic rhythm as she hammered away at the posts for the A to Z Challenge.

Eve (noun) The evening or the day before an event such as a holiday, festival or any date. 
For Example: With wicked anticipation, a thousand or more bloggers prepared on the eve of the 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge.

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Happy reading! 


Misha Gerrick said...

So true. Einstein might be a genius, but I wouldn't want his mind for all the money in the world.

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