A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: G

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's letter is G: as in G is for Geek! 

Geek: An outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills. Geeks have as normal a social life as anyone, and usually the only way to tell if someone is a geek is if they inform you of their skills. ~Urbandictionary.com

Yes, geek. As a self professed geek I feel obligated to clarify a long standing misunderstanding about geeks. Mainly, the difference between Geek, Nerd, and Dork. (BTW: I know the norm now is not to put that second coma in a list of 3 but ha, I'm old school sometimes). Here's a quick breakdown:

  1. A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning, being smart, and/or academia.
  2. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
  3. A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
Now that we have that straight. Do you know which one you are (if you admit that you are)?  I know there's a small percent of you out there who are either in denial or you are truly lacking the geek gene. To you, I extend my condolences. Maybe you just don't know you're a geek. Below are two ways to find out if you are a geek. If you are a visual learning or prefer pretty pictures, choose the GEEK FOREVER icon. If you are more interested in getting to the technical aspects (OK,if you want to take a test and learn if you are) choose the FREE GEEK icon. I personal recommend checking them both out, but hey, I just spent several hours researching,  not only the definition of Geek but took a test to see just how geeky I am. 

Geek Test

Just for the record, I did take the test. I didn't answer some questions that I wasn't sure of and according to a friend I have deprived myself of many aspects of life because I have not seen The Lord of The Ring Trilogy. I may have to remedy that in the near future. But I digress. Here's my scores: 

I think I'm decent geek but the perfectionist in me wants to be a Major Geek. Super Geek may be a little stretch but I know I don't want to go to Dysfunctional Geek...EVER! My main point, which more than likely got lost in this ramble, is that if someone calls you a geek, don't have flashbacks to high school terrors. It maybe be a compliment. You can be a movie geek, book geek, comic book geek, music geek, sports geek, computer geek, math geek, astrophysics geek, food geek, fashion geek, or a political geek. Any way you want to put it: 

Geek = Good


shelly said...

I believe, I'm a Nerd/Geek or a Geek/Nerd. Possibly a Gerd or Neek.

Loved your post.

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

I love this post and the definitions between the three are great. You are missing out by not seeing the lord of the rings trilogy. And if you want to be really cool watch the three extended versions in one day :)

Luana Krause said...

Some of my best friends are geeks, as well as family members. I have a bit of the geek gene as well.

Sylvia Ney said...

This is too funny! I can't believe there's a test. I'll have to check it out. I'm dropping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to reading more from you.

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