A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: P

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*
Today's blog post is brought to you by the letter P...Prove it!
Recently I went to out to eat with a good friend friend of mine and at the end of the meal I got this fortune cookie:

I had one of those profound moments. Those last two words really hit me. PROVE IT!! I am all of those things. I'm capable. I'm competent. I'm creative. I'm careful. So why haven't I proved it? Because I'm too much of the last one...careful. There's a fine line between being careful for a sane reason and hiding behind it in fear. I've always known I've been meant to do something greater than what I am doing. That there are things I want to do in this life besides just exist. I love to write. I love to read. I love people. I've been teetering on the decision of what I want to do with life to give me a personal sense of purpose. Yes, of course, as a person who loves to write I want to write the great American Novel but that won't better mankind and give me a sense of fulfillment that I feel I was sent here on earth to fulfill. (Don't get me wrong. I would be elated to accomplish this but that's not why I truly write). I'm finishing my very lengthy twenty year journey to finish my Associates degree (pathetic I know but let me add I have enough credit hours for a BA and nearly enough for a MA) I just didn't have a true direction until recently. I've enrolled in my next journey. I'll start my work towards my BA in English concentrating in Adult Education then off to get my MFA (mainly for myself). I'm in what some would consider the prime of my life starting (ok, continuing) my journey into a new field of work. But I've never done anything traditionally. I graduated high school early then did nothing with it. One year of college then I had a family. I've dutifully and gratefully raised that family with one graduated, one graduating within a year, and one who will be entering High school and ready to conquer his world as well. By the time, I'm ready to tackle that MFA I'll be solo. Just me. My family will be focusing on their new journeys. So now is the time I prove it. Prove that I am meant for something more than just existing. Just taking up space on this spinning planet. I've been blessed with a great job in higher education....in a rural area. I get to see people come in with no academic experience. Some who either never finished high school or they barely made it through school. Some are the first people in their family to make it to college. It's hard for them. They only want to better themselves, their families, and want more out of life than barely scrapping by. I've been given a gift...my love of words. I have selfishly squandered that gift for myself. Pouring into books and blank pages. Rarely sharing that with someone who only remembers having to dissect sentences and spelling tests. Now is my time to prepare so that later when I'm ready I can prove it. Prove that English and writing is not the devil. That it can open up so many worlds that some people don't even know are out there yet. Time to prove that I can make a difference one word at a time. 

What do you want? Prove it!  


shelly said...

Great blog! Just take care of your health during the added pressure of college. Drink plenty of water. Eat clean as possible. Take your vitamins. And get plenty of rest...when you can.

Luana Krause said...

I think about these things as well. Making a difference is my motto...I want to change the world and help people. Writing is one way to do that.

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

I like the prove it! It is one thing to talk about and think about change but it is quit another to prove it and to do it. Great post.

Snakesmom said...

Anyone can do anything they put their mind to. Thanks for the interesting "P" post. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

That's a pretty profound fortune cookie! And a great message. I'm an aspiring writer, so hopefully I can prove it, too. Good luck to you!

Also, good luck on the last leg of the A to Z Challenge!

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