A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: D

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

D is for Ding-Dong Theory!

Ding-dong theory. Yes, I did say Ding-dong theory. No the A to Z Challenge has not melted my mental stability (what’s left of it that is). Ding-dong theory is simple one of several theories about how words came to life. In this one, some who study the origins of language (one famous one being Max Muller) point out that sounds and meanings of words have a mysterious resemblance between them.  Let me see if I can get this as understandable as possible before you think I need to adjust my meds. Small, sharp, high things tend to have words with high front vowels in most languages. On the other hand, big, round, low things tend to have words with round back vowels.


itsy bitsy teeny weeny (try saying those in a deep manly voice. Go ahead. You know you want to)

MOON (ok that’s just big no matter what)

Notice the little object words have a sharp, high pitched vowels while moon, a big huge object has a low, round sound…kind of like the moon itself.

There are many theories to how we came to call things what we call them. And by “we” I mean human kind. This one though made me think of us, the bloggers who have invaded virtual space this month. Blog - it contains a round back vowel indicating it is a big, round object…and it is. Our blogs are huge and they are circling the world as we speak. Maybe Max Muller and the other linguistic specialists know what they are talking about. So here’s to all the Ding-Dong Theorists out there.  May your round back vowels (aka blogs) circle the world this month and bring joy and entertainment to the rest of the alphabet out there. 



shelly said...

I leave this blog with smiles. Great blog. Thank you.

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Great blog it is very interesting to think about why words came about and where they came from. Words are very powerful and have caused both love and war.

baygirl32 said...

this post made me giggle a little. thanks

stopping in from the A to Z

Luana Krause said...

I love your theory! These are things I think about, too.

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