A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: X

    *The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter X.

    X fac·tor
    X factors, plural
    1. A variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome
      • - the young vote may turn out to be the X factor
    2. A noteworthy special talent or quality
      • - there are plenty of luxury cars around, but the S-Type has that special X factor

      Do you have the X-factor? I'm not talking about the Television show. I'm talking about do you have that something special that makes you stand out from the crowd? Yes you do. Don't shake your head no. Of course you do. Everyone has an X factor. It's not just some talent or persona that stands out to make someone a star of stage, film, or the music industry. X factor, as the definition above explains, is a special talent or quality. If you're a creative person, your x factor may be finding just the right wording to explain an emotional moment or just the right brush stroke. If you're an analytical person, your x factor may be problem solving. If your like me, my x factor seems to be buffering...conflict that is...between people. Yep just call me "Buffy" the conflict slayer.  I'd like to think I have other x factor making qualities but this is the one that stands out the most at work so I'll go with that one.  My point is that sometimes we get lost in what we should be or what we want to be and over look the things that make us great right now...our X factor. 

      Our X Factors leave the imprints on those around us. They shape not only our lives but the people we come in contact with. I think it's important not to worry about what your X factor will do for you but what your X factor will do to help others. (Sorry to twist your words, JFK but they were good ones). If we focus on making the world better because of what makes us special I think we'll be OK. Not even OK, we'll be great. Focus on finding your X Factor and then do good with it. Make someones life better. It'll shine back on you and make your life better as well. 
      So...What is your X factor and how do you plan to use it? 


Donna K. Weaver said...

What a lovely, positive post. X-factor, huh?

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Great job on using the letter x it was really positive and made me feel better. Thanks for the pick me up.

Susan Oloier said...

I like the idea of using our X-factors to do good in the world. Very nice post.

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