A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: J

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

J is for Just...as in Just do it! 

A few years ago, I was having a conversation with a writer friend of mine. I was giving my usual excuses for why I didn't write anymore...no time, no inspiration, no talent, no deal. Three simple words came out of his mouth..."Just do it". Yes, I pictured an athlete running down the road in a pair of Nike's but that wasn't what he meant. I continued with my excuses and my promises to get around to it someday. Then one rainy Sunday afternoon I woke up to a very green and vivid world in my head. I could see it perfectly with my minds eye. I fixed a cup of coffee, pulled out my laptop, sat next to the window to hear the rain, and began to type. After 4 straight hours, I got it. I just had to sit down and just do it. The words were crap. Well not completely but they still need a ton of clean up. There are passages that even move me. I still wonder where they came from but they would have never been born had I not just threw all my excuses to the wind and just started. So Nike has it dead on with their slogan...

No more excuses.
No more "I'll do it laters"
No more going to do it.

*The above Nike slogan belongs to Nike entirely


Karen Jones Gowen said...

This is my FAVORITE blog of the week by FAR!! I need to take it and tattoo it on my head, or my refrigerator. How many writers gripe about the industry or whatever but don't even have a completed manuscript? Best to write, finish, write, finish, write, finish before even worrying about the publication part. Learning how to write well takes a very long learning curve and the only way to do it is to WRITE! Great Post!!

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

This is so important to just do it. I like your point here. Many times I have no inspiration until I sit down and start typing. Then the floodgates open.

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