A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: V

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

V is for victory? Initially I was going to do a post about living vicariously through writing but I'm coming to realize my characters are living vicariously through me. How odd is that? 

vi·car·i·ous/vīˈkerēəs/Adjective1. Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person: "vicarious pleasure".2. Acting or done for another: "a vicarious atonement".

I decided to stick with Vicarious…some of my characters do live vicariously through me but there are as many if not more that I live vicariously through. By nature, I’m a pacifist. I don’t like confrontation or discord. When it comes time to put the thoughts in my head onto paper? Katy bar the door! I can get more therapy by putting my frustrations, anger, attitude, and heart break onto the pages as I could paying someone by the hour. Writing vicariously can make some of the best villains; the weakest victims, the strongest heroes, and the most unlikely of characters. I can’t speak for everyone but I can speak for me. Like I said, I’m a pacifist. I act as a buffer (just call me Buffy) at work when colleagues bicker but when it comes to the imaginary worlds that dance around my head, I let all the frustration , anger, angst, rage, love, fear, and whatever my psyche struggles with go and create worlds and characters that I sometimes cannot believe came from me. (Neither can some of my friends who read them). I think it’s healthy to live vicariously through our creative worlds. We can let go of the ills of our lives in a way that is healthy and constructive. Some of my best poetry comes from depressed moments in my life. Some of my best thrilling moments come from moments of annoyance or uneasiness. You get my point, I hope. When I’m stuck and my Muse decides to be allusive, I dig in and find what annoys me or scares me or thrills me. Whatever it is, I find it and release it unto the pages. It can be much more satisfying than waiting around on that pesky Muse to show herself.

Vicarious living makes great creativity!   


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