Why blog?

I've been working on posts for the upcoming A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011. In doing so my little mind started ticking. Why is that we blog? There's over 600 bloggers signed up to participate in this challenge. I've peeked at a few and there's a wide variety in the types of blogs out there. Some are book review blogs. Some are writer's blogs. Some are business improvement blogs. Some are like this one, still trying to find a direction. 

I started blogging several years ago as a therapeutic means to keep my head straight. Since I was a little girl I've had more things in my head than I can process.  When I learned to use a pencil, I found a home for many of those things. One day, I discovered blogging and found an outlet that satisfied both my craving to create and my techy side. Thus my blogging days had begun. I've had several blogging lives. One for learning to live a frugal life. One for review books. One for living life. Eventually, I found them all too hard to keep current. I decided to condense them all into one. Long boring story short, I'm still trying to figure it all out. 

So why do you blog? Do you have a focus? A plan? What have you learned since you starting blogging that you would do differently if you were starting over? Do you have more than one? If so, why? What would you tell someone who was just starting out in blogging? 

Leave a comment below and tell how you got started and what you'd do differently or what you've learned about blogging. 

Category: 1 comments


Anonymous said...

What i find difficult is to discover a blog that may seize me for a minute but your weblog is different. Bravo.

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