Out of Office Message

I'll be skipping my favorite memes this week, Tuesday Teaser and WWW...Wednesday because I get to go out of town (albeit for work) and I've made the decision to go sans laptop. I have three chapters of a book to finish and then four review books waiting on me. Leaving my pink princess laptop at home is my way of giving myself the permission to get lost in my reading and NOT check on work stuff. This is a big step for me. I'm a little proud of myself. We've all become so wrapped up in staying connected and trust me on Thursday I'll be back online ready to dive into the virtual world I love so. 

As for the conference I'm attending, I'm a little excited about it. I shouldn't be it's an annual Staff Conference but this year's theme is about building morale (you gotta love morale builders). All the workshops have game show themes like Name that Tune, Let's Make a Deal, Minute to Win it, and Family Feud. This gives me hope of getting up and making a complete fool of myself in front of people from across the state. I'm also looking forward to not the one but two keynote speakers. As a communication major, I love to watch speakers. Keyword watch. You can learn so much from watching a presenter. Their movements, facial expressions, voice tempo, and yes, even what they are saying. Anything I sit through I enjoy. Even the most painfully boring speaker because I learn what not to do just as much as what to do. This is as equally important. I suppose that's true of anything we do. 

The last but definitely not least of things I'm looking forward to is  getting one night without listening to boys argue, waiting on my turn in the bathroom, and no having to listen to Mojo in the morning from my son's room at all hours of the evening. (It really should be renamed Mojo ALL NIGHT). I'll miss my big ol' men but I haven't had an evening away from them in over a year. I'm excited because I get a hotel room to myself, bathroom to my self, and hours of uninterrupted reading time. I've got clothes backed, books backed, map in hand, Fleet vehicle gassed up, and ready to hit the open road. 

Happy reading everyone! 


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