Happy Birthday to me!

TO ME!!!
It's my Birthday day today. I'm 39 years young. I absolutely LOVE my birthday. Truthfully, I love all birthdays. I've never dreaded a birthday. It's a true blessing for every year I am blessed with. I have a wonderful family, a good job (which is a special gift these days), and even though I had two emergency partial root canals this week, I'm basically in good health. I've never understood why people get so down about getting older. Yes, over the past year I've thought about the youth that I've been losing over the years. I came to the conclusion though that even though I'm now called ma'am more than miss, I haven't lost anything in life. I've gained so much knowledge and if anything was lost it's the sheer ignorance of youth that I've lost. I can now enjoy things with a truly open heart and appreciation for the joy of the matter. I don't care what those around me think if I want to ride the Merry-go-round at the fair, or if I close my eyes to pray before a meal in public, or if I want to wear tennis shoes instead of dress shoes to work, or if I want to take my shoes off and walk through the grass barefoot in park. None of the trivial things that seemed to be the end of the world in my youth matter any more. So to me, each year I may gain a year on to my life but I also gain knowledge and self acceptance more and more with each passing year. I may be softer in the middle. I may wear clothes for comfort more. I may even embarrass my kids more and more. But I have found that I love myself more and more with each additional candle put on my cake. So Happy Birthday to me because I love the person I have grown into and look forward to more growth as the years come. 

Category: 2 comments


PK HREZO said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a special day. I turn 38 this year. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Regina said...

I'm so far behind on reading that I apologize for missing your birthday! Happy Belated Birthday!

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