Faithful Friends (Feb. 26)

This is another great meme from Should Be Reading  I've been reading her posts the last couple of weeks just as an observer but I thought I'd jump in on this one. I don't know why but it felt like I should. 
This week’s Faithful Friends post asks…
Do you attend church? Why, or why not?
I have a friend who doesn't go to church because it's full of hypocrites. I agree. All churches are full of hypocrites. So are most work places. Most homes even. I have to admit that that was my response for a long time. That and the fact that you can have church under a tree just as well as in a building. I wasn't raised in church but I was raised by a woman who was and who made sure I knew who was who and what was what. We attended a local church sometimes on Easter and even went a few times afterwards but it always waned. When I was a teenager I went to church one Sunday with a friend. I fell in love with the service. Let me stress that it was the service I fell in love with not the people. I continued to attend without my family. I attended until I moved to Kentucky. I missed my church and even the people for a long time. I still do until this day. My parents got in church and were very pushy for years about me getting in. I resisted. I'll be honest a small part of me recognized it was because I was angry that they didn't go with me when I was younger. I went to church off and on. To wrap up a long story. A couple of years ago my mom and dad found a church they loved. They invited me but I refused. I was too busy. The kids went and they too fell in love with it. I finally went on Easter. I'll be honest. The feeling I got scared the crap out of me and I wouldn't go back. Things were really weird for me for a few months after me. I can't explain it but it was weird. I finally went back for my parents anniversary. Not to go in great detail but I've been going ever since. I will say that I don't really like many of the people in the church. Other's are right. They are hypocrites. They're a few that I really like. Overall, this question makes me realize that I don't go to church for anyone but for me. I love Sunday school more than anything. I love hearing the word and feeling the spirit within myself. Church is something that is personal for me. My kids sit with their friends. I don't fuss about it because again, it's something personal for me and I figure it is for them as well. I don't make any of them go but they go on their own. Church is a building. Service is something individually important in my opinion. I go because it's like a refuel for me. Church is a personal thing. If you go great. If you don't that's fine too. I am not religious but I have a relationship with Jesus. Any relationship is personal and what you do with it is your personal business. I can't tell a person what their relationship is and they can't tell me. I never push Church but I encourage people to search for that relationship.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Faithful Friends post, or share your (brief) answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Please rememberthat we aren’t judging others’ answers here… we are only sharing our own viewpoints for the sake of knowing how others live out their faith. Thanks! :D


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