Busing Tables and Making Beds

Recently, I was chastised because of something I do that apparently isn’t the norm. We’d gone out to a local pizza place for my Grandfather’s 85th Birthday. (What can I say, he LOVE pizza…well, anything with cheese really). At the end of a great meal I started scrapping off plates and stacking them, placing all the napkins in a pile on the empty pizza pan, etc. My darling father said “What are you doing? That’s why we leave a tip.”  The conversation then quickly shifted to my habit at hotels to “tidy up” and how I pull the bed linens up when I’m done. Yes, I do these things. I can’t help it. I used to think it was just because I didn’t want people to think I was a slob. That’s not it though.

In my lifetime, I’ve had many jobs. I’ve worked in offices, customer service, I’ve waited tables, I’ve been an annoying telemarketer (please forgive me & it was local so I’m sure I didn’t call you), and so many other things. I’ve gained something from each of those positions. I can remember managing a little boutique a few years ago and I had to pick up all the stuff people just laid down. I’d stay after closing for hours picking things up. When I waited tables I picked up more chewed up food than I ever did for my own children. It was disgusting. I’ve got a ton of stories I could go on and on about but I won’t punish you with them.

All of this to say, I can’t help but I feel compelled to help people out. It only takes me a few seconds to stack a couple of plates. That waitress, while yes, she’s being paid, stacks dozens and dozens of dishes, works standing on her feet, then more than likely goes home to laundry, homework help, cooking supper, and the usual. It’s a hard job. Same goes for hotel staff. They get the worst of the worst when it comes to hospitality. People traveling are grumpy!!! It doesn’t bother me to toss in a helping hand. It doesn’t hurt anyone and hopefully it brightens someone’s day a little. Maybe they’ll get home a few minute early to tuck in their little child or make it a school play or maybe just to be able to sit down for a few minutes and rest their feet before hitting the books for an exam.

Basically, even though I’m leaving them a tip, I feel compelled to make a small part of their day a little easier. Whether they see it as that or not, doesn’t matter. I did it for me as much as for them. Hopefully though, the kindness will shine through and they’ll have a smile on their face when they meet you at your table. How awesome would that be? 
Category: 5 comments


Unknown said...

I love how you still showed humility in spite of owning up to your natural tendency to help people. What most people don't understand is that not because you pay somebody to do what they are supposed to do shall it mean that you can take advantage of it already. Whether it be tidying up bedroom furniture sets or stacking up dishes in a pizza parlor, it all boils down to your attitude. And for that, you have a good one. Cheers! :)

Cat said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm happy to say I still do all these things. I forgot to add I also straighten shelves in department stores as I go. If we as people would stop complaining how the world is so awful and start pitching in I think we'll find the world is not so bad after all.

daniellaprice30 said...

I've read so many quotes about sleep about making your bed. It's such a relaxing activity for me because sleep is my most favorite luxury.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know where to find good pillows like the one they sell on

Unknown said...

Is Able reblocking a good company for renovation of house.

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