31 Days in pictures 2012: Day Ten

Day Ten 2012: 
A picture of someone you do silly things with.

I don't really like how I look in this picture but it is a perfect example of how even taking a family photo with these guys can be silly. Yes, It's my crazy children. They're now at that age where we are sillier than serious. We have had entire days of talking in funny Russian voices or Welsh. Every time we do something there's something silly about it. Even a ride to Church can be made silly. I was raised with humor and so were my guys. We do so many things that will last as memories...happy memories. Of throwing sticks in the creek after a rain storm and running around the car doing a Chinese fire drill just because we can. I'm their mother first and foremost. I know I've had to teach them right and wrong but I'm most proud that I've taught them to stop and laugh once in a while. If it takes sitting in a booth at an eatery talking in weird accents then by all means we'll be that weird family doing so. I wouldn't trade one embarrassing moment for it. Plus, look at all the ammo I'll have to use to tell embarrassing stories to my grandchildren about their fathers. hee hee

So do you do silly things with? 


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