31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Four

Day Four 2012: 
A picture of your favorite night.

This is a picture of a sudden summer storm rolling in. The sky was majestic! I grew up with hurricanes and tropical storms but I had never witnessed a storm rolling in like this one. The sky was lined with rings of clouds engulfing the area. That night Mother Nature played a beautiful symphony of thunder and rain all around us. The sky lit up with lightning like pyrotechnics at a rock concert. It was such a relaxing evening. The sound of thunder clapping the sky above and vibrating the earth beneath us...the rain dancing on the tin roof over our heads...the lightning flashing to reveal the wonders of the black rings above. It was amazing. No one was hurt and nothing was damaged. It was just another one of God's amazing treats to remind us how great Mother Nature truly is. 

What was your favorite night? 
Don't forget to leave a comment or link below.


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