31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Eight

Day Eight 2012: 
A picture that makes you laugh. 

Confession time. I have very odd children. They take great pride in being completely outside the box. This picture gives me the giggles because it's a perfect example of how one can act silly for the camera without knowing the others are doing a photo bomb in the background. (By the way: my oldest - the one on the right - is not a serial killer. He just plays one on film) This was Christmas day at my mother's and the one in the middle was singing a cover of Red Solo cup but replacing it with Orange Thermal Cup while posing for the camera. Little Bit, the one on the left, was sliding in the frame doing an impression of a spy and the oldest doing is dangedest to look as creepy as possible. Mission accomplished. Yes, I have to laugh a lot because it's so much cheaper than real therapy. Ha! Ha! I wouldn't trade all the weirdness for one sane moment if it didn't involve these guys. They put the smile, the giggle, the heart in my everyday life.  

So that's my odd but true picture that makes me laugh. What picture makes you laugh? 
You don't have to play along, just leave a comment below and tell me what picture puts some jiggle in your belly. 


Gigi Ann said...

A picture that makes me laugh, I think it would be of my great-grandchildren. They always do the funniest things. But, that is just Gigi Ann talking, probably not so funny to others. ; ))

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