Back to School Shopping

Last day of July, already. It’s so hard to believe that the year is more than halfway over. Yet here it is…nearly gone. I’ve accomplished nothing this year but that’s ok. I didn’t really plan to accomplish anything this year. Well maybe get the bedroom floor replaced but I still have 5 months before I can actually say I failed at that.

Today, I get to load us all up and head to town. It’s that time of year I both love and hate. Back to School shopping. I may have mentioned this before but I am missing the shopping gene. Really…I do not like shopping. My back hurts. My feet hurt. I get shaky. Everyone is loud. Everyone is whiny. I can’t find anything. Ug! I hate shopping. Yet for the sake of my children (and my desire that they not go to school naked) I will go on the great safari for school clothes. I have all boys. Some of you are saying, “at least you don’t have girls”. Let me tell you something…boys are not metrosexual. T’s have to color cooridinate with the plaid button downs and jeans have to be certain cut, style, and color to match the T’s AND plaid button downs…and no one , I mean no one, in this house can have anything remotely similar even though none of them go to the same school.

That’s not even my greatest challenge. The biggest challenge today, even greater than the “stop touching me you jerk” squalls from the back seat, will be the shoe shopping. My darling middle son is a special child. He isn’t your typical middle child that gets ignored. No, he’s front and center 99.9% of the time. I love him for it. He’s outspoken, confident, and has a great personality. He’s never met a stranger. Yes, he’s one of those. My challenge with him is simple…he’s 6’3” and wears a size 16 E width men’s shoe!!!!! We live in Poe Dunk….we’re lucky to have a size 13 let alone a small water craft vessel.

Typically, we order them. However, I have been procrastination central this year with back to school stuff. Therefore, my penance is I must take him around the state until we find a running shoe that will fit him. This will be a very long day. For one, I hate shopping. For two, it’s the first of the month so to speak and everyone and their dog will be out shopping. And for three, I’ll be dragging two others along, one of which doesn’t like to be in crowds and the other who has to know the precise date, time, and location of every event in our lives. To top it off, Big Foot has car fever brought on by his upcoming 16th Birthday.

Oh God! Please put me out of my misery NOW!!! If you don’t see any posts in the weeks to come, please sent the blog police out to locate me. I’ll more than likely be hunkered down between the ICEE machine and pretzel stand say bub u bubub…..Wish me luck!


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