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This is me. Not the woman, I wish! The words. I love this song. It says all the things I think day to day when I think about what I am going to do or even who I am. There is no limit to what I can do because...I'm unwritten. A blank slate and I have some mighty good ink to start filling my pages. I'm starting to work on my bucket list including actually doing some of the things. I have found this drive to want to live life. Not just watch it happen but experience it. As a person who likes to write, I do love to watch people around me but lately, I want more. I don't know if it's a belated spring fever or just a renewed thirst to make the most of the gift of life God's given me but I want to be a part of life not just its transcriptionist. (Plus it really gives me some perspective on a first person POV sometimes). I continue to do my studies, raise my family, work my job, pay my bills but I'm also stopping to rub my toes in the cool grass, smell the fresh air, listen to the birds, and taste the foods around me. I, and only I, can write my story. I can't trust it to anyone but me and the Big Guy above. I can wait to see how it ends but I'm really looking forward to the next story...
I love it. And I love your new found thirst for more. Yes you are still unwritten and have a lot more to say and a lot more to experience in life. You give me energy just reading your post. Energy exudes from your thoughts and it is a beautiful thing. I am thrilled for you. Take care of you.
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