Moving things around

I've spent most of today playing in the blogsphere. I'm not sure what I am trying to accomplish but I decided that keeping up with more than one blog was just complicating my life for no real good reason. What's a girl to do? Give up on all but one blog? How do you choose between them? After 3 years, they're like your children. Like every good parent I made a compromise...I've combined the two. Technically, I didn't combine the two into a new one. I simply combined the one that was solo book reviewing into this one. After all, this is a blog about what composes me, right? Part of what composes me is my love of reading.

So please welcome all the former "catstakeonit" posts to their new home. Some are terrible. Some are ok. A few might even be worth the cyberspace they take up. Hopefully, by combining the two, I can update this place on a more regular schedule. I have a few plans like the "Tuesday Teasers" and a few other things in development. I'll still do my general ramblings and a few posts on my much need improving writing.

Plus, I've been playing with the Amazon site today too and just tossed in an Amazon store on the site. I'm not looking for big bucks or any money really. I just liked playing with the widgets today. Funny how little things make us giggle and in some cases fight with css coding for HOURS for no good reason. I've spent a good part of the day playing when I should have been working on homework or something else. When you work a job sitting in one spot, pushing a button, and saying the same thing over and over for ten hours you tend to find a distraction. Today mine was the blogsphere and all its coding torturements.

Now I'm off to finish some real work and even pick up a psych book before I go home in an hour. I've enjoyed my non-productive day quite a bit. It does baffle me how long it takes to do the simplest things. I suppose that's why webmasters make all the big money. And as well they's hard and time consuming. Now off I go..
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