Gotta love hay season

I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again some other day...I write well when things aren't right. Well, I'm not right. No surprise there though. I've battled allergies for the past week. Determined to beat them I've doctored myself and not let them get in the way of my to-do list. They slowly seemed to turn to a cold which it's summer time that's expected from me. Everyone around seemed to decide to cut hay, rake hay, bail hail, mow the grass, and oh yes mother nature even decided to have every single fence row on the Ridge cover itself with the most beautiful Honeysuckle blooms. Of which, I am highly allergic to. I didn't let any of this stop me. We even cooked out in the woods this weekend. A mock camping trip of sorts since the boys didn't get to go on their camp out because of the weather. Honeysuckle was everywhere. Yet I persevered and stuck it out. I even sat in the park with blooms everywhere on Sunday so Little Bit could play softball with the youth at Church. I didn't take anything since I was driving and I'm a cheap medication drunk. I did nearly everything that was required of me (ran kids to and fro etc etc).

But my undoing was last night. I finally admitted I was sick. Truth be told I was ready to give up Sunday night but I was trying to be strong. Finally I went to the doctor this morning. Apparently, I decided not to just have strep or an ear infection or a sinus infection. No I have to be Gun ho and have it all. Docs words " You're a sick little girl!" Great. Now that she said I am sick officially. I even have an infected ear gland??? What the heck is that? Painful let me tell you. Best part is that the treatment causes some of my favorite side effects: nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, upset stomach, shall I go on? Lovely. Just lovely.

However, since I'm "not right" physically my mind in its fevered state has been very creative and I've got a lot of work down on paper. Well virtual paper and even some actually reality papers. It just amazes me how when I'm perfectly well I can stare at a screen or piece of paper and produce drivel. Give me a raging fever and I can create a master piece. Well, maybe I should wait until the fever is gone to see if any of it makes sense. Yes, i suppose that would be a wise choice.

As for now, I've popped every over sized, over priced pill they gave me and I will now either fall asleep, puke my guts out, or write until the fever breaks and I realize I've produced nothing but a twisted IFC style masterpiece. Hey some people like that right? Ha! ha!


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