Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB on Should be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
Do you like movies made from books? Which ones do you think have been done well — kept mostly to the plot of the book, etc?
As a general rule, no. There are exceptions but for the most part I think it's impossible to reach the level of detail a book has in the time constraints of a motion picture. Also when I read a book that is really well written (even some not so well written) I become emotionally invested in the characters. One of the things I truly love about reading is that it takes my mind to another place and into others' lives. I develop a kind of relationship with these characters that even the author may not have intended. I hear their voices, understand their mannerisms, even see their physical appearance.
When someone makes a movie out of a book...even a favorite read of mine...the people placed in the movie are based on someone else's interpretation of the characters. While it may be a perfect match for what the author had intended, in my mind it's hard to match up and it turns me off to them and the story before it ever gets a chance to prove itself to me. I know that's not fair but that's how my mind works. Then, as I mentioned before, time constraints force the movie makers to cut and paste story lines and plot and even minor things that make the books so great to me. Perfect example is the Twilight
series. There was so much in the book and I understand that they had to make adjustments to get it on screen but one of my favorite parts of the series which really summed up to me some of the obstacles Bella had was her aversion to blood. It was left out of the movie series and to me this killed some of the poeticness of the story.
I'm a little leary about The Help
by Kathryn Stockett. It was a great, no awesome, book that had crying, laughing, and rooting for the characters every inch of the way. No the movies coming out and I'm so hoping I don't let myself get distracted by the fact that Emma Stone (who I love) is playing the main character. I had a different image and voice in my head when I read it. I love Emma Stone's distinctive voice and I hope that I don't let it distract me from a good film. From the previews it looks as if they're staying true to the story...from what I can tell.
As a general rule, I try to watch the movie before I read the book so that I can enjoy the medium but that's hard to do sometimes. I've said it before and I'll keep reminding myself that they are two distinctly different things. Sometimes it's hard when you so dearly love the written word. But I'll keep working on that.
So how about you? What you think? Do you like movies made from books? Let me know.
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
Completely agree.
Here's mine:
that's why i think a movie should strive to go a different route from the book. If they try to be exactly the same it'll just end up failing (most of the time)
DamnedConjuror~ that's exactly right. I have to keep reminding myself they are two different things. I think that we, as readers, get a little overly protective about the works.
I'm looking forward to The Help. I think for a book like that where the characters are such strong personalities if they cast them right, then it will work, if not, it will be a total disaster.
Interesting thoughts!
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