Giving the voices their time

Now that I've reminded myself that writing is important to me, I am consumed by all aspects of it. That's understandable since I do this with everything I get into. It's a hazard to being a bit OCDish. I love the excited feeling of my words bringing the voices to life once again but I'm having a bit of difficulty focusing. Why? I think it's that I don't know my voice. I know my voices but not my voice. I have several. I can write anecdotal. I can write humorously. I can write deep, soul searchingly. These three live in very different places. I don’t know how to make the commute between the three and produce quality work. I don’t know how to choose between them either. They’re like children. I love each of them. Each has their own unique place in my heart. Each is a part of me. Now how to I find that happy medium? That place where I can give each their due.

I could continue to give each of their time but I’m finding they’re fighting for center stage more and more. I’m flooded with their voices screaming their stories to me. Do I assign them each a day of their own? Do I give two a time out and spend a week, a weekend, a day, an hour with the one? How do you figure this out? I can’t choose and I don’t know how to tame them? So I suppose I’ll continue to run in circles until either I break or they break me.


Regina said...

Write what you feel when you feel it and then just hold on to it until you find a place for it. I have journals for every one of the books that I am writing and one just for random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head or my dreams and jot it down with an asterik next to it to know it is a new idea or thought.
Sometimes I find that I can use them in other books or short stories. Sometimes they become a whole book of their own once they are all out there and untangled from the mess of yelling and screaming that they do inside the cramped little space in my head. There is a place for everything.
You will find that maybe you don't just have one voice or one genre. You are unique and all of those voices have something to say...

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