Fail but win!

So I bombed out at the last moment for the A to Z Blog Challenge. I started to beat myself up mentally for it. After all, it was the second challenge I've failed at this year. But I realized something during the challenge that helped me twenty fold. I had lost a bit of focus on why I write this blog. It started several years ago to help me balance my insane mind and life. It was never to get lots and lots of readers. Don't get me wrong. I love that someone likes to read my ramblings but I don't want to write just so someone will read it. I write because it keeps me sane and it give a place for the many voices that fly around my head to scream, cry, laugh, and confuse the world. I like the challenge because it does get you in the habit of writing something everyday. I already do that in a very old fashion way...I write in my beat up little old journal.  Well really there's several. One is at home...sometimes it's portable but usually not. I know carry one around with me in my's a tiny one...and I have a composition book that's never far away when the Muse hits and poetry decides to regurgitate itself out of my brain. Any way I look at it, I have no excuse for not having a moment to write. As a matter of fact, today I've started letting the crazy voices out onto the page. I like where it's going.

By failing the challenge, I regained my focus. I'm back to reading and writing and finding my way in the world. So really the challenged worked. So off I go to work on my poetry and this new piece that seems so much more than a short story. I'm also reading The Legend of Souls Chapel by Steven Dowell. It's a fictional story based on an actual local legend and written by a local writer. I'll have a review up later this week...hopefully. Also, I'm finishing reading Compass by Erik Hansen a collection of great poems (I'll review this soon too). It's a great collection of poetry that really pulls nature and the human experience into a song like flow.

I have my crazy focus back and I'm looking forward to getting back to what all this was originally started as...all the things that compose me. Hope you enjoy the ride because I never know what direction I'm going in. Happy reading everyone!
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