Social Media Googled (Google Invite anyone?)

Social media has transformed our lives. For the better and for the worse. With great power comes great responsibility. It is what we make of it. I never was a big Myspace person. Other than getting to play music and changing my code weekly I never really got the point of it as a social media. (Yes, I got to know many lonely people who wanted to make friends from a far away land if only I'd send money). I remember getting my Facebook invite, going to it and scratching my head. I didn't get it. It was so much different than Myspace. I mean all I could do was list what I was doing or thinking at that moment...and get some little flower kid. Over time more and more of my "people" got on Facebook and it got to be fun. I don't participate in all the app requests, questions, or any kind of  -Ville whatsoever. But I've enjoyed it. I Twitter as well but only for my blog, books, and geek interests. Facebook...personal; Twitter...geek/book/work related. Now Google comes along with some to make up for the Buzz fiasco. Google+

I've never kept it a big secret that I am a Google worshiper. I love Google applications. Yes I know all the cons to Google and the evils of their ways but I have to say the good outweighs the bad. I'm a busy woman...most of the time...ok I'm a woman who can't always get all her ducks in a row when leaving the house. Google let's me store all my documents I'm working on in the clouds and I can even share it with others to work on when I'm not with them. For someone who likes to do interviews, polls, writing works and needs collaboration from a state away, Google's got my back. So while I was not apart of the Buzz incident I have been given the opportunity to give Google+ a whirl. It's different in many ways. I'm still trying to find my way around. You have more control over finding people. This could be good or bad. It's in the testing stages so this could change or not. At this point, who knows. I do like that you can have little Huddles and chat with a group of friends or coworkers. Great for collaborative work or just catching up with everyone. You have Circles which you drag and drop contacts to so that you can keep up with everyone. I'm only hours into it and have a lot to learn. I think I'm going to approach this one as a networking platform....much like I did with Twitter.

What is it about social media that we all think we need to be in on it? For me, I live in the sticks...well, on top of the sticks in the Bluegrass of Kentucky. It's beautiful. Having lived on the East Coast my entire youth, I love the fresh air, green fields, mountains, and overall atmosphere. But there is very little networking and even smaller amounts of fellow book bloggers or writers. I've been learning a lot from fellow bloggers and Tweeters about the business. I found many contacts and tons of information  I wouldn't have found if I hadn't been "out there". As for Facebook, I use it for my personal contacts. Having lived somewhere else for my school years, I use it to keep up with my friends and family that live so far away. I have a relationship with my nephew only because of Facebook who attends school in New York and lives in Pa when he's forced to go back to my brothers. I use my social media for good and not evil. I've been protective with who I let in and what information I give out. It's all in how you use it. I do spring cleaning occasionally on my friends list. I think we all need to do that with out contact lists in every aspect from time to time.

So what is that you use social media for? What have you found to be the pros and cons? If you could change anything about it, what would it be? What are your pet peeves? Which is the best social media in your opinion & why?

To reward you for answering (or punish you depending on how you want to look at it) I'm giving out 5 invites to Google+ . Here's how it works. Get an entry for each of the following.

Answer the questions above.
Follow this blog.
Follow on Twitter. (the little buttons over there on the side)
Reblog this. (Leave a link in the comments)
Tweet this with #catgoogles included

That's a possible 5 entries! So get busy and come Google+ with me.

I'll pick a winner using on Monday, July 20th and post winners here.

So get busy and let's get our Google on people! 


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