"When there’s an elephant in the room introduce him" That's how Randy Pausch starts his Last Lecture. The elephant in the room that day was his Cancerous tumors. Randy Pausch, a professor of computer science and human-computer interaction and design at Carnegie Mellon University, remained as he put it a "Tigger" through his battle with Cancer. In The Last Lecture, he details how to achieve your childhood dreams. The book isn't about him dying of Cancer but rather about him living the life he wanted; his childhood dreams.
"We can’t change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. If I’m not as depressed as you think I should be, I’m sorry to disappoint you" Pausch didn't take a moment for granted. He enjoyed every moment he could. He used the opportunity to participate in The Last Lecture series at CMU to not only tell the audience how to acheive their childhood dreams but as he put it pull a head fake and tell his children.
The Last Lecture is not only an inspiring story told by a man fighting Cancer but an inspiring story of a man living. In the book, he gives practical and positive advice for living the life you want. I loved every moment of this book. Many times people will say a book has touched them and even changed their lives. I can honestly say this is one of those books. "Decide if you’re a Tigger or an Eyeore. I’m a Tigger" Pausch says. After reading The Last Lecture I'm working really hard to be a Tigger. Hopefully, after you read it, you'll be a Tigger too.
And in case you want to check out the lecture itself here it is:
Composed by
Randy Pausch,
self improvement,
The Last Lecture,
Hi Cat,
This book was one I was given by a friend after I discussed the story of Randy Pausch. I haven't read it yet, but intend to do so on my next flight.
Thanks for sharing,
Randy Pausch had an amazing attitude and left behind a wonderf legacy of positivity. I think you'll enjoy it. When you close the back cover, I felt inspired and utterly positive about the world around me.
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