Poetry in motion

I've decided to step out on a limb. Make a motion and put a little piece of me out here. A friend once told me that poetry was like walking down the street naked. It bares the soul for all to see. That's probably why I never want to let it out there. Nothing worse than that dream we've all had being naked on the school bus. UG! However, I'll never move forward if I don't put this out there. So without further rambling from me, here's a little piece of my naked soul.

broken glass

By Catherine Russell

Shoes that are scuffed
A hem that unraveled
A blouse faded and frayed
All the outward signs
That I am broken.

Facial lines deepening
Lips embraced by a frown
Eyes settled with sadness
All the outward signs
That I am broken.

A dented fender
A wobbly tire
A cracked windshield
All the outward signs
That I am broken.

A loving heart
A forgiven soul
A mind filled with knowledge
All the inner signs
That I am not broken.

A warm desire
A tender moment
A twinkle of the eye
All the inner signs
That I am not broken.

A song in my head
A spring in my step
A smile growing within
All the inner signs
That I am not broken.

A day begun
A day lived through
A day coming to an end
All the inner signs
That I am not broken.

Copyright by Catherine Russell
Do not reprint without expressed written permission from the author.


Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Lovely. And congratulations for putting it out there. (Um, were you writing about... ME?)

Is this real? Lea said...

Wow- and it's not just family, you are fabulous.. Put it out here for us all to enjoy! I love this!

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