31 Days in Pictures 2012: Day Three

Day Three: A picture of the cast of your favorite TV show.

I'm posting a picture of my favorite regeneration of my favorite TV show. For those of you who follow you'll know what I mean by that. (For the rest of you, check HERE)

Let me just say that I LOVE, LOVE everyone of these guys that were with the 10th Doctor but that doesn't mean I don't like like the 11th Doctor. Those of you who follow Doctor Who know that you have a certain Doctor that sticks with you and you just can't seem to let him go. David Tennant was that Doctor for me. I also love Catherine Tate as Donna. I always felt they were kindred spirits in a way. But enough of that. This is a picture challenge not my babbling post for the week. 

So who's your favorite cast? 

Don't forget to link your post below! 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Cat! Thanks for joining the A to Z Challenge. I'm one of the co-hosts, so let me know if you have any questions.

Cat said...

Thanks Alex! It was a blast (albeit exhausting) last year but I'm pumped to jump in again.

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