31 Days in pictures 2012: Day Nine

First off, Happy Valentine's Day to the Blogsphere! I'm not a huge V-Day fan. It's another one of those holidays that reminds those of who don't have overly romantic other halves that we are missing out on something. Something that makes others giddy with excitement. Personally, I'd love that. But it doesn't happen any time of the year for me so why should I expected on a specific day. That's not to say I'm not loved. I know I'm loved. I just am not flowers and cards kind of loved. An oil change or brake job here and there but no flowers or candy or cards. Actually, I can't remember but one time in the last 11 years that I've gotten a card from my other half. But this post is not about my Valentine Woos. It's about the pictures. So on with the pics:

Day Nine 2012: 

A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most.  

I think this was my answer last year too. It's my parents. Look at those smiles! They have been there for me more than I've ever deserved. They taught me to love unconditionally, cry when you need to cry, scream when you need to scream, but always remember to smile and laugh at yourself from time to time. To never take life so serious that you miss the little moments that make it all. They're the perfect friends and they perfect role models. They're not perfect and they never expected me to be. They love me for all my flaws, for all the talents they think I have, and for the things that make me the individual I am. They've stuck by me when even I wanted to give up. I don't know what kind of person I would be if it weren't for them. I hope to be half as awesome as they are. 

So who's been there for you? Who has been the one to get you through the most? 


shelly said...

I have to honestly say it was my teachers and college professors. My mom wasn't mentally able. My dad walked away when I was four. Now my hubby's here for me and a handful of friends.

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