"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting." ~Buddha |
Cat: Thanks for taking time to give us a little insight in your sound. So tell us a little about your background.
Happy Reading!

It’s Friday the 13th! The day that some people are frozen with fear; armed with a lucky rabbit’s foot, four leaf clovers, and horse shoes. Ok maybe not but traditionally this is the day people associate with bad luck. Personally, it’s always been the opposite for me. It’s a day of abnormally good luck. In the 2nd grade while walking home I found a $20 bill on a Friday the 13th and a few other really cool events that I won’t bore you with happened on Friday the 13th.
Just for kicks and giggles let’s talk about why this day is marked as one of the most superstitious days of the year and where did it get all its bad luck from?
Here’s your semi short history lesson. Ultimately the day is a combination of some pretty unlucky events. First the fear of the number 13 itself. It is believed to be contributed to a Norse myth. Twelve Norse gods were having a dinner party (always centered around food these old myths, huh?). This little gathering was in their version of Heaven called Valhalla. An uninvited guest, Loki (quite the mischievous little trickster), made himself welcome at their little gathering. He got bored so he decided to have a little fun by arranging for the blind god of darkness, Hoder, to shoot Balder the Beautiful, the god of joy and gladness. (Told you he was mischievous). Balder died and the whole Earth was engulfed in blackness while they mourned. From that day number 13 is unlucky.Seriously? That’s just one of a million stories about the unluckiness of 13. Even the Bible references unlucky 13…after all, Judas was the 13th guest to the Last Supper and he betrayed Jesus after that. There’s accounts of witches gathering in groups of 12 with the 13th being that nasty red guy with the pointed tail and horns.
But why is Friday singled out so rudely? I mean, have you ever heard anyone panic because it’s Wednesday the 13th? Nope, I haven’t either. The common belief is that it relates back to Good Friday and the day that Jesus was crucified. Another factor of this crazy (or is it crazy?) superstition is the fact that it’s a rare occurrence. Friday the 13th usually happens once a year but rarely more than three times in any given year. Here’s a secret (ok not really but it is overlooked): Any month that’s first day starts on Sunday will have a Friday the 13th. SPOOKY??? No, just basic math.
However, 13 isn’t the only bad number out there. In Korea, China, & Japan, residence suffer from Tetraphobia…the fear of the number 4 because the word for it is very similar to the word for death. In Italy, the number 17 in Roman numerals (XVII) can be rearranged as VIXI which is Latin for “I have lived” or twisted around could mean “I am dead”. While 13 is still the unlucky factor in Romania, Greece, and some areas of the Spanish world, it is the day of the week that is considered unlucky. They fear “martes trece”…Tuesday the 13th.
Whatever day or number the day is though, do we really need to fear it? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Whatever your belief or fear or inclination of today is, just enjoy it and make the most of the breathes you get to take today.
BTW: Remaining true to my geek nature…the word for the fear of Friday the 13th is friggatriskaidekaphobia which comes from the Greek treiskaideka meaning “thirteen” and phobia meaning “fear”. The “frigga” prefix comes from the name of the Norse Goddess for whom Friday was named after.
Side note: I had really cool pictures to follow along with this post; however, blogger has been down with no explanation for quite some time and I’m resorting to emailing my post. I hope it makes it and I hope we’re all back up again soon.
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Mom, Me, & Dad |
In the past, our family only worried about putting food on the table in the here and now (which is a necessity yes) but there is more to life than just putting food on the table. I want them to find themselves and still be able to put food on the table.
I entered the Commencement hall Friday night and felt the surge of over 300 graduates plus their families and it was like electricity. I smiled and did not quit until...well, I think there's a part of me that is still smiling. My degree was great to get. I didn't want to walk originally but did so for my parents and my children. What I found was that walking made me fully experience the last few years: all the sleepless nights, tears, laughs, struggles, hard work, new found interests, determination, and the new found interests and direction. They all came into focus. That silly hat and hot gown was the culmination of academic, spiritual, and emotional growth. When it was all done all I could think of was I wanted to do it again. And so I shall. How funny a silly ceremony can drive you to want more but it did. I'm even more inspired than I was when I began.
So off I go to hit the books again in a week to push forward. I'm headed for an English degree with a minor in Adult Ed and who knows where I'll stop. Thank you all for your kind words. It was a wonderful experience and I would highly suggest no one miss theirs!
Now I’ve gone on to achieve my Associates. I know it’s just an Associates degree but it’s so much more to my family. I knew it was important to me and to my parents but I wasn’t expecting my children to get so excited. They’re all teenagers and if I’ve heard them complain once about me doing homework, I’ve heard it a million times. What a surprise I had when they got uber excited! They even tried to pick out something special to wear…these are all boys by the way.
This is just one small step for me. I’m off to the next step come fall. I’ll continue taking classes this summer to help with the transfer process. I’ll remain a book bound student but now with a little something extra to help me through my way. I’m going to focus on getting my BA in English Lit with a Minor in Adult Education. My mission? I want to let adults who didn’t get a chance to get the education, or any education for that matter, know that they can do this. It’s hard word but no one is unlearnable if given the right tools. Some times it’s just takes someone to let them know and show them what those tools are. Some times it’s just having someone pat them on the back and listen to their struggles. I want to make a difference and I want to share my love of written language. I also want to continue develop my writing. I’m not focused on publishing anything just developing my abilities.
One important thing I’m taking from my Associates Degree is that you should never stop learning. Always look for a new way to look at an old idea and keep your eyes open to what lies ahead. I’ve got a bright future and although, I’m entering my forties this next year, I can do anything I set my mind too as long as I keep my eyes, my heart, and my soul open. I’m graduating from Community College but entering the next phase of an amazing adventure of my education.