Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB on Should be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
When you were little did other children tease you about your reading habits?
When I was in my Sophomore or Junior year (not sure which) I was in the library looking up information for a paper. One of my friends (I use that term loosely with them now) asked if I was lost...then laughed for what seemed like hours. Ok. It was really only a few seconds but you get the point. I had a terrible first grade teacher who instead of teaching us to read, taught us how to color in the lines and talk about the upcoming arrival of her soon to be born first child. Needless to say I didn't get the best foundation for reading. The worse of it is I came from a family who LOVES to read. We even lived overseas for a few years with no television and that's what my parents did...they read. I struggled all through elementary and high school because I just couldn't read as fast as everyone else seemed to. Plus I daydreamed...A LOT. My second grade teacher told my mother I needed psychological counseling because I was too introverted. If you met me today you would think the woman was nuts herself. I read only two books from cover to cover my entire high school career. One was Judy Blume's Blubber (which my mother made me go outside on spring break and read against my will. By the way, I loved it and wish she punished me like that all the time) and the second was a book I read just because it had a cool cover. I don't know the author but it was called Twice Blessed (this is early to mid-80s but could have been a 70s for all I can remember. I really started reading after the birth of my first born. I fell in love with Tom Clancy spy novels and to this day I think they're my favorite. I'm not much of a romance kinda gal although I do like a good one now and again but my heart stays true to some action, some adventure, some's all about the thrill of the chase I suppose.
Ask me now does anyone tease me about my reading? Yes, my children. They say I have a problem and I need to get help. ha! ha! I have to laugh because whether they see it or not, they are three book geeks in the making and some day I will remind them, just as my mother reminds me, how I hated books and now can't go near a bookshelf without bringing a bundle home.
Happy reading everyone!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! 
you tell those kids to mind their business, leave you alone and open their own books! lol
One of my teachers told my parents the same thing. She said I needed serious counseling and to have more friends because I was too introverted. It's incredible how people who are a little different than the norm get harrassed like that.
Here's mine:
It's interesting how we are told to stay in the lines to color. To really be creative and even to be great in anything we need to go outside of the lines. I think teaching and showing our kids reading is so important. I think it's great that they recognize how much you read.
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