A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: Z

    *The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Wow! It's the last day of the month! I can't believe it flew by so quickly. I've amazed myself by being able to stick to the daily challenge of posting every day...including Sundays which wasn't part of the challenge. I hope I can continue posting like this. It's become such a part of my normal routine that I can see it continuing. I've met a lot of nice people and found some great blogs through this challenge. I hope to continue to do so. I'm not getting rid of my Surprise Me! button just yet. With a thousand or so blogs to check out there was just no way to get to the them all in 30 days so I'd like to continue on until I get through them. It's been great. It's been fun. It's been educational. It's been a growth experience. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I have 

Today's post isn't just about my experience with the challenge. I have one last A to Z post that is important to me. Today's post is brought to you by the letter Z as in getting some ZZZZ's. That's sleep if you were wondering. It's one of the most important parts of a healthy life. It's something I struggle with from time to time but have recently found my groove and it's helped me feel so much better and more productive. I battle with insomnia from time to time. As a matter of fact, insomnia was what led me back to reading like a maniac a few years ago. Growing up, I hated reading because I was slow at it. As a young adult who couldn't afford cable, books were amazing. Then I got to busy (and I got cable) to read. Then I went back to college and all I could read were technical books. Not exactly mind blowing. Then one night after about a week of not being able to sleep I grabbed a book my son had thinking it would put me to sleep...it didn't I sat up until 3 in the morning reading the thing. Thus the bookworm in me was reborn. 

That's not what this post is about though. I wanted to share what I've found to work for me in getting some sleep; not only sleep, real rest. 

No caffeine. I gave up caffeinated beverages. Now you don't have to do this completely. I did it for Lent and it really seemed to make a big difference in my overall well-being so I've stuck with it. You can just cut back on the caffeine; say by the afternoon you have your last caffeinated beverage for the day. You're body will hate this at first but if you push through you're body will physically rest better. I don't know the science behind it. I just know it works for m. 

No bills in the bedroom. I live in a small house with 3 teenage boys. There is very little space so my room acts as a multipurpose room most of the time. I have a craft area, a book area, and worst of all, I have a desk in my room. I used to use it to pay bills and look at the household budget. I'm not sure how I feel about feng shui but having my desk next to my headboard I found myself pondering bills and finances every night before I went to bed. Of course I would. It was the last thing I looked at before crawling in bed. I moved my bill payment center into an area in the kitchen and now when I go to bed at night, I don't even think about the electric company or the insurance payments. 

  • Turn the TV off. I used to fall asleep with the TV on. I thought it was the only way for me to fall asleep. WRONG! One night I fell asleep watching A League of Their Own at some point I was dreaming I was up to bat, I dug my feet into the dirt, choked up on the bat, and swung hard. Well, I woke up in severe pain. I'd twisted in my sleep and pulled a muscle in my neck. I spent the next couple weeks in that lovely whiplash collar. I now turn the TV off. My mind rests much better. I don't injure myself in my sleep either. 
  • Don't read your favorite book. If I'm reading a great book, I used to take it to bed and read. Unfortunately, that would only keep me up wanting to go further, find out what happened. Now I only give myself a limited amount of time in the evening to read a book. Instead, I play Mahjong on my phone. I'm sure I need to let this one go to but it empties my mind out and I can rest without those other worlds I get lost in  invading my mind.
  • Finally, (sorry I'm rambling on today) let go of those things that anger you or worry you in during the day. Easier said than done I know but try. I pour them out unto the pages of a journal but not directly before bed. An hour or so before hand maybe. I don't always do it all at once. Sometimes while cooking supper I have my journal out and scribble a few lines about what's bothering me. During the evening I'll jot down a few more.  Getting them out in small burst throughout the day helps me put them away before it's time to lay my head down and rest. Amazingly, it also seems to help me keep my "perky on" during the day. Getting it out in some fashion helps. Kind of like taking out the trash mentally. 

There's a few more things that help but these are the main things. I just wanted to share this because after battling with sleep for several years, I've finally found my groove and I'm loving it. I still don't get to bed before 11 pm but those hours between 11 and 5:30 are spent in blissful rest. I'm still working on it and one of these days I will achieve 8 full hours. Even this morning, I grabbed a few extra hours of sleep. Naps are great too if you can work them in. 

Whatever you try I wish you some good restful nights in the future. Insomnia is a mixed bag. It wears the body and brain down but I've had some very creative things come out of it as well. With everything in life, it takes balance. Thanks for following along during the Challenge. I hope you'll stick around after. I'm working on some great ideas for posts in the future. Digging through books to find some great reviews and learning to write poetry. Oh and I'm always  opinionated in my own way...and last but not least, I'll continue to tell the tales of my accident prone self. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: Y

    *The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter Y....Yearning.

There's many things that I yearn. I'm in a transitional phase lately and I find myself yearning for many things. Yearning for more time to write, more time to meditate, more time to spend with my growing children, yearning for a friendship that is strong but now restricted by a new barrier called state lines, yearning for peace of mind that the decisions I've made; the decisions I'm going to make in the future even, are good ones. I yearn for so many things...like most people. I got a taste of something over the last year that is being ripped away from me. I'm happy for the other party involved...it's their moment to grow; to expand their wings and do something good for their family. On the selfish side, I'm losing something that I have never experienced before...a very strong relationship...by relationship I mean friendship on a whole new level than I've ever experienced.  I gained a friend who understood my humor, knew when I was having one of those bipolar moments and needed someone to talk me down off the ceiling, knew what I meant when I got giddy over the proper usage of a word, knew without me opening my mouth what was going on in my head, knew that was too humble to ask for more when it came to certain things, and knew me like an open book with footnotes. This person opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at the world...made me yearn for more out of my life. I yearn to grow even more. I can't go back to be in the closed off box that I was told to be in. I yearn for a better way in the world and thanks to this person I know I can have it...or at least I have the strength and right to go for it. This person who I'll call Theo (ThA-O) from here on out gave me such a wonderful gift in life. I thought that maybe Theo had ruined future relationships from here on out but I realized something very special in the midst of my tears last night. My future relationships haven't been ruined, Theo has made me realize that. I want more out of life and I don't have to settle for what just is. I yearn for a conversation that is equal, I yearn for someone who loves and gets the line "Oh and I can kill you with my brain" and giggles privately with me. I yearn for laughing and crying and deep intellectual conversations about everything from God to the Joss Whedon Verse. I yearn for so many things but the great thing about my time with Theo is that I've had my eyes and heart open to the possibilities that are out there. As long as I continue facing this life just like that...eyes and heart wide open...I can have all those things...in due time. 
Thank you Theo for the most amazing gift anyone has ever given me. And if you read this, remember one thing...when things get to rough out there, just remember to ask yourself one question:

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" 

Best wishes Theo...don't be a stranger. 

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: X

    *The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter X.

    X fac·tor
    X factors, plural
    1. A variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome
      • - the young vote may turn out to be the X factor
    2. A noteworthy special talent or quality
      • - there are plenty of luxury cars around, but the S-Type has that special X factor

      Do you have the X-factor? I'm not talking about the Television show. I'm talking about do you have that something special that makes you stand out from the crowd? Yes you do. Don't shake your head no. Of course you do. Everyone has an X factor. It's not just some talent or persona that stands out to make someone a star of stage, film, or the music industry. X factor, as the definition above explains, is a special talent or quality. If you're a creative person, your x factor may be finding just the right wording to explain an emotional moment or just the right brush stroke. If you're an analytical person, your x factor may be problem solving. If your like me, my x factor seems to be buffering...conflict that is...between people. Yep just call me "Buffy" the conflict slayer.  I'd like to think I have other x factor making qualities but this is the one that stands out the most at work so I'll go with that one.  My point is that sometimes we get lost in what we should be or what we want to be and over look the things that make us great right now...our X factor. 

      Our X Factors leave the imprints on those around us. They shape not only our lives but the people we come in contact with. I think it's important not to worry about what your X factor will do for you but what your X factor will do to help others. (Sorry to twist your words, JFK but they were good ones). If we focus on making the world better because of what makes us special I think we'll be OK. Not even OK, we'll be great. Focus on finding your X Factor and then do good with it. Make someones life better. It'll shine back on you and make your life better as well. 
      So...What is your X factor and how do you plan to use it? 

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: W

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter W....What A Wonderful World!

I love this song. I've asked that this along with Amazing Grace be played at my funeral. This song is so often used as a sad song but to me it's not. It's the most hopefully song I've ever heard. Look at the lyrics and tell me you don't see hope: 

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I wish everyone could hear this song through hopeful ears. We need more hope and visions of the world through this kind of positive view point. I think we live in a wonderful world and while I wish we could fix a lot of things, I'm so thankful to be blessed to be put upon this earth to witness the trees of green, the babies crying, and friends saying I love with a how do you do. 
Thank you Louis Armstrong for putting that voice to such a powerful reminder to be thankful what we've been blessed with.

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: V

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

V is for victory? Initially I was going to do a post about living vicariously through writing but I'm coming to realize my characters are living vicariously through me. How odd is that? 

vi·car·i·ous/vīˈkerēəs/Adjective1. Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person: "vicarious pleasure".2. Acting or done for another: "a vicarious atonement".

I decided to stick with Vicarious…some of my characters do live vicariously through me but there are as many if not more that I live vicariously through. By nature, I’m a pacifist. I don’t like confrontation or discord. When it comes time to put the thoughts in my head onto paper? Katy bar the door! I can get more therapy by putting my frustrations, anger, attitude, and heart break onto the pages as I could paying someone by the hour. Writing vicariously can make some of the best villains; the weakest victims, the strongest heroes, and the most unlikely of characters. I can’t speak for everyone but I can speak for me. Like I said, I’m a pacifist. I act as a buffer (just call me Buffy) at work when colleagues bicker but when it comes to the imaginary worlds that dance around my head, I let all the frustration , anger, angst, rage, love, fear, and whatever my psyche struggles with go and create worlds and characters that I sometimes cannot believe came from me. (Neither can some of my friends who read them). I think it’s healthy to live vicariously through our creative worlds. We can let go of the ills of our lives in a way that is healthy and constructive. Some of my best poetry comes from depressed moments in my life. Some of my best thrilling moments come from moments of annoyance or uneasiness. You get my point, I hope. When I’m stuck and my Muse decides to be allusive, I dig in and find what annoys me or scares me or thrills me. Whatever it is, I find it and release it unto the pages. It can be much more satisfying than waiting around on that pesky Muse to show herself.

Vicarious living makes great creativity!   

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: U

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter U...Unbridled

–adjective   1. not controlled or restrained: unbridled enthusiasm.
-verb               2. to free from restraint.
My state moto is "Kentucky: Unbridled Spirit". I believe it was an attempt to get us to live life to the fullest (and pay lots of state taxes with an open heart) and of course to encourage tourism. An unbridled spirit is one who isn't controlled or restrained from an outside force. I don't think any of us are truly unbridled. There's always something to restrain us from that which comes from within. We have to make a living. Most of us have to do something outside of our normal spirited drive in order to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. (Let's not forget those pesky student loans to pay back). We have families to raise. Friends to stay acquainted with. Life to live. But when does living life bridle our spirits? Now this is just my opinion but I really think that we can balance our lives so that we meet all those social obligations and still have an unbridled spirit. OK, so technically if you are meeting obligations that are demanded by others then it isn't truly unbridled but still. Balance is the key. We have to balance those things that are demanded on us with the desires of our hearts and spirits. If we don't, we'll lose the very thing that gives our spirit life. I struggle with this myself. I am responsible for a family, a home, and a job. People depended on me for their survival both literal and figuratively. I have to do certain things in order for my world to go 'round. This doesn't mean though that I have to bridle that part of me that wants to create and explore. I just have to balance it. I spend my day at work giving my energy to my job so that where I work stays connected and runs smoothly. I spend my mornings, evenings and weekends giving my energy to my family and my home. There are other times when my energy goes to my friends, my pets, even strangers. So when is the time for my unbridled spirit to rip loose and be wild? All the times in between. While waiting for the laundry to kick off I scribble a few lines onto a page. While waiting for a kid to get out of practice I read a few lines from a book. While waiting for a meeting to get started I jot down an idea that dances through my head. While listening to the ramblings of a friend about someone buying the same exact pair of shoes as she did I reorganize a plot idea. While living life I don't forget to actually live life. I can write because I can live. I don't live vicariously through the characters I write...they live vicariously through me. I have a life and I live it. The only way though is that I embrace both the bridled spirit that is necessary to function day to day AND the unbridled spirit that is needed to create. It doesn't matter if it's a spirit that wants create an imaginary world or a spirit that wants to build a birdhouse. What matters is that you learn balance. You can give life to both the bridled spirit AND the unbridled spirit. They actually compliment one another quite well. 

Sunday Sayings (April 24)

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
~Robert Byrne

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: T

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Tunak Tunak Tun is a love song, of all things, performed by Indian artist Daler Mehndi using blue screen and superimposing himself along with, well, himself, over several famous backdrops. It's as cheesy as they come but it was a hit in 1998 and has a way of getting stuck in your head. 

Betcha you'll have this one stuck in your head for a while. 

In case you're wondering what he's getting jiggy about, here's a translation:

refrain: (5x)
Tunk tunk Tun
Tunk tunk Tun
Tunk tunk Tun
Da Da Da

Sweetheart, the strings of the instrument play
listen to what the heart says
Come and love me

refrain (4x)
The world is a colorful place
it's not good nor bad
Listen friends the iktaara(1) says
Mehndi's friends
refrain (4x)

Sweetheart, come smile with me sometimes
My heart's keeper (lover) look
This body is not under your or my control


Sweetheart, you are moon and I am Chakor(2)
there no one like us
Our threads of life is in the hands of god


(1) iktaara=Musical instrument with one string
(2) Chakor=A mythical birth that supposed to look at the moon continuously

The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker Book Review & Blog Tour

The Priest's Graveyard
Two abandoned souls are on the hunt for one powerful man. Soon, their paths will cross and lead to one twisted fate.
Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America with hopes of escaping haunted memories of a tragic war that took his mother's life. Now he's a priest who lives by a law of love and compassion. It is powerful men and hypocrites who abide by legal law but eschew the law of love that most incense Danny. As an avenging angel, he believes it is his duty to show them the error of their ways, at any cost. 

Renee Gilmore is the frail and helpless victim of one such powerful man. Having escaped his clutches, she now lives only to satisfy justice by destroying him, regardless of whom she must become in that pursuit.

But when Danny and Renee's paths become inexorably entangled things go very, very badly and neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

Judge not, or you too will be judged.

I received a copy of this book for review and to participate in the Blog Tour for it's release. I was thrilled to get to the opportunity and let me tell you,  I was rewarded with a great read. After a year of fantasy and paranormal genre reading, it was refreshing to read a good old fashion thriller. Don't get me wrong there is nothing old fashion about this book. Dekker has a knack for fast paced, page turning, thrill a minute writing and he didn't let us down with this one. It's more than just a thriller. Each chapter builds the suspense and you never see the twists and turns that come. I didn't see the end coming as it did and quite honestly I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's good. It fits the life of the story and saying that, I think when my emotions over the book come to a rest I'll completely accept the ending. 

The story is told from the heroine's point of view. I use the word heroine loosely because she is a very unlikely hero. She's flawed and at times annoying in her weakness. But in that weakness is a realist strength I think many of us can relate to. She tells her story and then in the next chapter the story of the hero, Priest Danny Hansen's story is told. This goes on until their paths cross and as they say  the plot thickens!  I don't want to give too much away. This book is great. I really enjoy Dekker's style. It has some violence and at times some may think a little to graphic in that area but I found it appropriate. You quickly build a relationship with these two unlikely heroes and find yourself cheering them on in their vigilantly style justice. You could dig into the pages and find all sorts of allegoric meaning but for me this was simply an entertaining, thrill a minute book. There aren't too many places in this book that you can rest without a twist or shock coming at you. I loved it and will probably reread it. It was that good. 

Here's a run down: Ex-Bosnian Danny Hansen, now Father Hansen is a priest who dispenses his own brand of justice to right the wrongs done to woman and children. Renee Gilmore is an ex-heroin addict who was rescued only to lose the man that saved her to mysterious circumstances. Their paths cross while after the same evil man. Nothing seems to go as planned. What happens next you won't see coming. 
I recommend this book highly. I've read other Dekker books (mostly the fantasy ones) and enjoyed them but this was the best I've read of him. I'll be looking into some of his other thrillers. He has an excellent command of language and emotes emotions through pages of the book. You don't feel that you are reading words but feeling the events take place. I look for this book to quickly become a best seller like many of his other books. He's a got a gift for finding not only the right words but also an imagination that keeps you riveted. 

For a little peak, check out the BROWSE INSIDE THIS BOOK section below.

ted dekkerTed Dekker is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-five novels, including BoneMan’s Daughters, Thr3e, Adam, andThe Bride Collector.

New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille calls him “a true master of thrillers” and NPR readers chose Ted as a Top 50 “Killer Thriller” author of all time alongside Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Harlan Coben, and Brad Meltzer.

His critically acclaimed storytelling has kept millions worldwide tearing through the pages late into the night, always with the lights on and the doors locked.

For more information on Ted Dekker, check out his website at:

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: R

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter R...

Right here, Right now.

I watched this video a while back at a meeting I was in for the future of the college I work for. It moved me, inspired me, whatever you want to call it, so I'm passing it along.

Just something for you to think about when planning the future. 

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: Q

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter Q...as in Quest.

Are you ready for a quest? What quest you ask? I don’t know what your quest is. We each have a quest that’s personal, unique to each of us. My quest? Well, it may be like some of yours. I want to write. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to leave my mark on the world before I leave it. That’s my quest. To find the roads that lead to those things. The quest itself will be unique because I’m unique. I have thoughts all my own, a history all my own, a family all my own, talents all my own. My psyche has been shaped by all the things that have lead up to this moment. You have something completely different for the very same reasons. Our quests may lead us to the same point at some time in the future but the quest; the obstacles and journeys we each take will be unique to each of us because we are unique. I wish you luck on your quest for whatever it is you so choose to step out and do. Wish me luck as well. I hope to make it a memorable one.   

Here's a little "ditty" that's puts it better than I can...at least in my musical mind today. 

And just in case you want to know what he's singing, here's the lyrics.

Lyrics to The Quest :
I’m leaving tonight
Going somewhere deep inside my mind
I close my eyes slowly
Flowin’ away slowly
But I know I’ll be alright
It’s coming stronger to me
And I know someone is out there
Lead the way
Lead the way
Show me the answers I need to know

What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can’t answer that

All my life/love it is
It is all my love
All my life/love it is
I know it is a life to live lately
From above I hear
I hear the sound of them sinkin’
I feel numb, I’m alive
I know I’m getting closer

What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can’t answer that

My life has had it’s share of troubles
And now I found a place to go
I’ve said goodbye to all my troubles
’cause now I’ve find my place to go

What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can’t answer that

What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can’t answer that

What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can’t answer that

Live for
Die for
Fight for

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: P

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*
Today's blog post is brought to you by the letter P...Prove it!
Recently I went to out to eat with a good friend friend of mine and at the end of the meal I got this fortune cookie:

I had one of those profound moments. Those last two words really hit me. PROVE IT!! I am all of those things. I'm capable. I'm competent. I'm creative. I'm careful. So why haven't I proved it? Because I'm too much of the last one...careful. There's a fine line between being careful for a sane reason and hiding behind it in fear. I've always known I've been meant to do something greater than what I am doing. That there are things I want to do in this life besides just exist. I love to write. I love to read. I love people. I've been teetering on the decision of what I want to do with life to give me a personal sense of purpose. Yes, of course, as a person who loves to write I want to write the great American Novel but that won't better mankind and give me a sense of fulfillment that I feel I was sent here on earth to fulfill. (Don't get me wrong. I would be elated to accomplish this but that's not why I truly write). I'm finishing my very lengthy twenty year journey to finish my Associates degree (pathetic I know but let me add I have enough credit hours for a BA and nearly enough for a MA) I just didn't have a true direction until recently. I've enrolled in my next journey. I'll start my work towards my BA in English concentrating in Adult Education then off to get my MFA (mainly for myself). I'm in what some would consider the prime of my life starting (ok, continuing) my journey into a new field of work. But I've never done anything traditionally. I graduated high school early then did nothing with it. One year of college then I had a family. I've dutifully and gratefully raised that family with one graduated, one graduating within a year, and one who will be entering High school and ready to conquer his world as well. By the time, I'm ready to tackle that MFA I'll be solo. Just me. My family will be focusing on their new journeys. So now is the time I prove it. Prove that I am meant for something more than just existing. Just taking up space on this spinning planet. I've been blessed with a great job in higher education....in a rural area. I get to see people come in with no academic experience. Some who either never finished high school or they barely made it through school. Some are the first people in their family to make it to college. It's hard for them. They only want to better themselves, their families, and want more out of life than barely scrapping by. I've been given a gift...my love of words. I have selfishly squandered that gift for myself. Pouring into books and blank pages. Rarely sharing that with someone who only remembers having to dissect sentences and spelling tests. Now is my time to prepare so that later when I'm ready I can prove it. Prove that English and writing is not the devil. That it can open up so many worlds that some people don't even know are out there yet. Time to prove that I can make a difference one word at a time. 

What do you want? Prove it!  

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: O

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter O...as in Open-minded!

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
- James Dewar

Throughout my life I've heard people need to be more open-minded. But what exactly is open-mindedness?  For me it is simply being open to hear other’s ideas. It doesn't necessarily mean that I agree with them or their ideas but I at least listen with the option to agree or disagree. Sounds easy but it isn't always. I know people who don’t truly listen to others. They sit there quietly, lips pursed, waiting the speaker out until they can interject with their own opinion never having heard a word the speaker laid out before them. That is not being open-minded.

It’s also not the acceptance of all ideas. We’ve gotten lost in the idea that to be open-minded one most accept ALL ideas and philosophies. That’s not being open-minded. That’s being a follower. That’s being a canvas for someone else to decide what you are or aren’t. You can make a stand and be open-minded. Listen to the facts. HEAR all the facts. And make an educated yet passionate (passion being your heart and soul) decision on what to accept or reject. I feel like I’m a pretty open-minded person. I listen to everything people say. Filter out what’s not needed. Take in what is. And make the best decision for myself.
Open-minded does not mean all accepting. In short, it means being open to hear what others have to say. How Open-minded are you…really? 

Sunday Sayings (April 17)

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
- Barbara de Angelis

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: N

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter N...as in nice. 

I'm a nice person. That's one of the first things people will tell you about me. I'm a nice person. I like being nice and expect others to be nice. It doesn't always work that way, I'm aware of that. But in general I do believe the world is a better place if we work at being nice. Yes, I say work because it does take work to be nice, at least for some, until the get used to being nice on a regular basis. Having said that let me give those of you who are on the outside of the Nice ones. It's just to prepare you for when certain things happen. Just like you were are real people. Remember that. For some reason when nice people act like a human outsiders get extremely nervous. Here's what I mean. We do lose our temper. It takes a lot but we can be pushed to far. When this happens don't automatically assume we'll grab a weapon and start picking people off at random. We're human and we get mad just like you. Normally we have it under control but from time to time we have to release like the rest of you. Also don't be surprised when for a brief moment we're selfish about something. Like the last doughnut in the box on the break table. On average we leave for someone else but there are those occasions when by gosh we're hungry and we want that last jelly filled sugary treat. Don't think we've turned evil for it. There's a few other things I'm sure you've witnessed a nice person do that you gives you the willies but just remember 99.9% of the time we do put others first. We want what's best for the whole but that 0.01% of the time when we're self absorbed? Just give it to us and no one will get hurt. 

Thank you and have a nice day! 

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: M

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

Today's post is brought to you by the letter M...as in Meltdown.

Mental Meltdown! We all have them from time to time. Life gets so busy and we take on more things than our minds can handle it. Work, kids, family, friends, community service, personal hobbies, sports, entertainment, bills, household responsibilities, and more and more and more and more. Until one day we just either explode or melt down.  I'm a meltdown girl myself. About once every six months I drop...I mean completely drop. Usually I'm able to plan it...yes, I'm that anal I plan my mental breakdowns. Seriously, though I usually have a Saturday that I won't or can't do anything but barely eat and sleep. I think we all have them. At least, I'm telling myself that so that I don't think I'm any weirder than I already do. I'll spend a Saturday napping, reading, watching stupid TV shows or just staring off into space without any real thoughts going on in that head of mine. Before you jump to conclusions like I need to get some professional help, let me just add that after one of these meltdown Saturdays I have a good six months of high energy go-getter energy. It's really worth losing one productive day for half a year of productive, creative, and enjoyable time. If you haven't allowed yourself to have one of these mental meltdowns, I highly recommend it. 

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011: L

*The following is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011*

The Lipstick Logic

In 1995, my Grandfather passed away. My step-grandmother, who relied on him completely fell into a deep depression. Now Grandma Ruby is from the old south. She was married "off" at 14 had her first child before reaching 15 and worked in the fields most of her early life. She wasn't allowed to learn to drive before she met my Grandfather and then she was too scared to. He always said he was going to drive Ms. Daisy to town with a sweet grin. 

He passed away after a lengthy battle. After his death, Grandma Ruby could hardly stand to get out of bed. She spent her days in her housecoat. This is a real no-no for Southern women by the way. After two months of this my Aunt took her to the doctor for a routine check on her Diabetes. She also ratted her out about her depression. Grandma caved and spilled the horrid details of how hollow she felt without my Grandfather. She told him she just didn't have the energy to breath let alone get dressed. There was just no point to it. 

What happened next has become my motto for my own battles. 

The Doctor looked at her and said, "Tomorrow morning, get up and put on lipstick."

My grandmother looked at him like he was an idiot. I probably would have too. They left the office and my grandmother was the same. A few mornings later, while staring in the mirror, she took a deep breath, and thought "This is insane" She'd reached her breaking point though and decided to follow her Doctor's advice. She said she put on her favorite lipstick, looked in the mirror and thought she looked ridiculous standing there with lipstick on and a messy head of hair. So she washed and set her hair. Fluffed it, sprayed it, patted it a little. It looked pretty good when she was done. Then she noticed her eyes were a little blah so she dabbed on a little more make up. There she stood, hair fixed, make up on, standing in her ratty old housecoat. She thought she looked ridiculous. Momentarily she almost wiped it all off but she froze at her image because for the first time in a months she looked like the woman my Grandfather always kissed in the mornings. She smiled and decided to go put on something a little nicer. She donned her favorite dress just for the heck of it and slid into her favorite white flats. (This woman is only 4'10" on a good day). Standing in the mirror she realized she was all dressed up and for the first time in as long as she could remember she wanted some place to go. 

She called one of my Aunts to come get her to go somewhere. "Where?" they asked. "Anywhere." She replied. My Aunt Connie nearly fell off the porch when my Grandmother answered the door looking like the well coiffed mother she had always known. (See my grandmother was a true Southern Belle and you did not go unattended). From that day forward my Grandmother has always said the secret to a happy life is to put your lipstick on. 

That on little act snapped her out of her consuming depression. She still missed him, we all do. But she found a way to move forward with out moving on. Most of all, she taught me a valuable lesson. Depression isn't the end all be all of life. A simple item like a tube of lipstick can be the most powerful weapon in the world. 

So ladies next time your blue or life has hit you hard...put your lipstick on and let the rest flow naturally.