I was looking forward to playing on here this evening but I've spent my evening throwing together a Spanish research paper I didn't realize was due...tonight. Thankfully it was on a cultural event and I had just heard something on the radio about a bull attack. Bingo! instant MLA styled research paper on the running of the bulls. Which is fitting considering I feel like I'm running with them only my bulls are deadlines. Work, school, household, kids, life. Everything is on a timeline and none of these seem to be working together to coordinate to keep me sane. Funny thing is, I've adjusted and there's no panic anymore - just a shrug of the shoulders, a deep breath, and carry on until the next thing comes along. So maybe I'm getting more than an academic education through out all this degree seeking madness. I'm learning endurance, patience, and definitely not to sweat the small stuff. Tomorrow's my day off and I'll spend it working on laundry, biology, grocery shopping, writing some reviews and working on some other writing projects. But best of all, I'll breathe in deep, smile, and enjoy the fact that this aging dog is learning so new tricks...not sweating the small stuff.
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WWW Wednesday is a bookish meme hosted by Should Be Reading
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
* What are you currently reading?
* What did you recently finish reading?
* What do you think you’ll read next?
* What did you recently finish reading?
* What do you think you’ll read next?
What are you currently reading?
Currently I'm reading Communication Mosaics, Intro to Biology, Puntos de partidas, and a biology lab manual that has no real name. I'm still in the wonderful world of full load academia so I haven't had a moment yet to read for fun this week. 
What did you recently finish reading?
Hide and Watch by Jill Hicks Lawson...It's an inspirational short read but powerful in the details and her story method. She tells of her journey through her mother's battle with kidney disease, her own weight issues, and see God's plan in everything. (I'll be reviewing this soon and interviewing the Author, plus giving a copy away...check back soon!)
What do you think you'll read next?
Children of God Go Bowling
by Shannon Olson (I've read it before, years ago, but would love to reread it)
When You're All Out of Noodles
& other parables on the lessons of life by Ken Jones
And that's it for this Wednesday. Now your turn. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own WWW Wednesdays post, or share your answers in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
WWW Wednesday
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I'm playing with blogger templates and css coding so please excuse my mess while I move things around and pretty up the place. I liked my old template but it was a little too dark for me....literally not figuratively. Plus as I gain more blogger experience I sort of want a more experienced looking layout. I'm not sure if this one will stick but I'm liking it as of today. Let me know what you think or if you have any problems with any of the links or buttons.
Thanks again for your patience!
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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"We might do well to heed wisdom offered by Mother Teresa shortly before here death in 1997. Here's an excerpt from Dan Rather's interview with Mother Teresa (Baily, 1998).
Rather: What do you say to God when you pray?
Mother Teresa: I listen
Rather: Well, what does God say?
Mother Teresa: He listens.
~Communication Mosaics
by Julia T. Wood
I'm still submerged in acedemia right now so you get a teaser of my Communications book. I really like it though. I'm learning more of listening than talking. I'm finding it very beneficial as a mom of teens. ha! ha! It's amazing what we miss when we think we're listening when in reality we're usually just waiting for our turn to talk. Quite insightful.
Now it your turn. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your two ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! 
Teaser Tuesdays
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Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB onShould be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
If your book group asked you to bring two (2) suggestions for group reads to your next meeting, what two books would you suggest? Why?
First is The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
. It's a wonderful inspirational book about choosing your
attitude and how to live your life no matter what's thrown at you.
Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want something badly enough. They are there to keep out the other people"
— Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture)
(check back in the coming week for my review of this one; plus author interview and fun and a book giveaway)
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks
Monday Musings
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It's a fantastic Friday for me. I have a coworker who has written an amazing book that's been published!
Have you noticed that it is easy to speak of God's faithfulness in times of prosperity, but that in times of suffering, such praise becomes lost?
In Hide and Watch, a true tale of sorrow and distress, of hope and triumph, Jill Hicks Lawson shares how she was spiritually transformed by overcoming her doubt in God during times of struggle. From enduring her battle with weight, her mother's kidney disease; to experiencing debilitating infertility and painful divorce; and eventually to becoming her mother's only hope for life, Lawson's personal accounts speak to the universal human experience of suffering, both physical and emotional, providing firsthand proof that, regardless of circumstance, God is in the business of giving hope.
In celebration of Jill's book, I'm hosting a "Hide & Watch" week with a review of the book, an interview with the author, games, and how could we go without a book giveaway? So stay tuned for more details.By recounting moments of pain and progress, Lawson demonstrates that anguish is the only pathway to experiencing the dramatic joy and peace that result from God's intervention and healing, assuring those amid the battle that, in the end, what does not kill your faith makes it stronger.
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I've decided to follow the lead of one of my fave bloggers and participate in MizB's Reading Challenges. Starting October 1st through to the end of December 2011. Here's the premise:
For this challenge, you should…
Still no sleep but here's my list. I'll modify it and fine tune it as the year goes on and as I change focus. I think to live a full life you have to make adjustments.
For this challenge, you should…
Since I've not slept all night I won't even begin to list my things to do this year or even consider my priorities until I have some serious REM action going on. But I am looking forward to getting to know myself better and keeping tabs on myself when comes to my self development and keeping an eye on what is truly important to me.* Think about what is most important to you in your life… is it your health? your family? your friendships? your career? ALL of the above?* Come up with a list of 12-14 things you can do this year to make that (those things) a priority in your life (maybe one thing/focus per month?)… what can you start (or stop) doing to get the fullest enjoyment out of your everyday life? What would make you feel that you were living your life to the best of your ability each & every day?* Keep some sort of journal to record your progress!
Still no sleep but here's my list. I'll modify it and fine tune it as the year goes on and as I change focus. I think to live a full life you have to make adjustments.
Important things in my life:
- My Family
- Grow closer to God
- Education (obtaining AA & transferring)
- Losing weight
- Personal life (my personal life non kid personal life)
- Write manuscript
What I can do or at least consider attempting:
- Make time (any small amount of time) for alone time for each of my children each week.
- Pray harder….more diligently
- Work on full load of classes from now until May. Prioritize to get this done!!
- Make time for personal time other than school work or projects at least 15 minutes every day.
- Go out once every month or two with a non-family member for fun stuff. (No work or school related activity)
- Cut back on soft drink consumption.
- Increase physical activity.
- Write at least something every day. (This needs work. I have a project I’m working and I’d like to actually get the first draft completed and assembled by then end of 2011)
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Musing Mondays is a bookish meme hosted by MizB on Should be reading.
This week’s musing asks…
What makes you love / hate a character in a book?
I love imperfect character who come out on top (or at least near the top) after they've been through the mill but realistic. I like quirky characters too, klutzy, funny, kick butt but real.
I don't like (I don't like the word hate) fluffy characters that come off sounding like an old Micky Spillane character. Plastic characters with little to no reality in them really make me lose interest. I also can't stand characters who find it necessary to jump in bed with every Tom, Dick, and Harry just to add juice to their story. Ug!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your answer in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
Monday Musings
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Recently one of my fellow bloggers who inspires me in numerous ways, left a post about her struggles with blogging, career, and life itself. And here I thought I was the only one. Initially, I feared her post was a farewell post. Luckily, it was mainly reflection and a musing on losing readers if she mixed up the schematic of her post...adding general commentary in addition to book based memes among other things. How funny it is that even in the blogsphere we worry what others will think of us, will they approve? Disapproval kills us in any form. Why? After all, we ourselves disapprove of things from time to time. I don't think we do more than scrunch up our noses and move on. As humans we seek approval from every angle we can get it. Is it because we don't approve of ourselves? We see the things we think, the things we feel, the hatred, the disgust, every dark thought we have. Perhaps we fear that others, even those in blogsphere, will see the darker sides of us. See through the words into the small ugly parts in us.
Or perhaps, we just bore them and that too confirms we are average; no more special than the next clone sitting in the cube next to us. We all strive to shine in some small way. To shine; to be special; to prove we deserve this existence is one of our biggest goals in this life but it isn't our only goal. I know I lose focus on that from time to time. I want to feel special just as much as the next person. I've come to realize though that there are small moments in life that make me feel more special than all the accolades in the world both in the physical world and blogsphere. A moment of a teenage child thanking you for being hard enough on him to do the right thing but encouraging enough to put a smile on his face. Small moments like reading a blog and realizing you aren't alone in this world. Your thoughts are ok. Someone else is struggling with the same fears. And while you thought you were sinking in those fears, you maybe just far enough ahead to help someone else pull themselves up, dust themselves off, and trudge forward.
I love to write. I love to read. Most important, I love to live. This blog is my little world where I can put down in words the things that compose me...the funny, the dark, the sad, the analytical, the books I love and not love so much...all the things that compose me. That's all I think any of us can do. Put out to the world what composes us and hopefully it will touch someone...help them grow...or simply put a smile on their face (even if because they are so happy they aren't in our shoes). We are who were are and that my friend, is forever changing.
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Or perhaps, we just bore them and that too confirms we are average; no more special than the next clone sitting in the cube next to us. We all strive to shine in some small way. To shine; to be special; to prove we deserve this existence is one of our biggest goals in this life but it isn't our only goal. I know I lose focus on that from time to time. I want to feel special just as much as the next person. I've come to realize though that there are small moments in life that make me feel more special than all the accolades in the world both in the physical world and blogsphere. A moment of a teenage child thanking you for being hard enough on him to do the right thing but encouraging enough to put a smile on his face. Small moments like reading a blog and realizing you aren't alone in this world. Your thoughts are ok. Someone else is struggling with the same fears. And while you thought you were sinking in those fears, you maybe just far enough ahead to help someone else pull themselves up, dust themselves off, and trudge forward.
I love to write. I love to read. Most important, I love to live. This blog is my little world where I can put down in words the things that compose me...the funny, the dark, the sad, the analytical, the books I love and not love so much...all the things that compose me. That's all I think any of us can do. Put out to the world what composes us and hopefully it will touch someone...help them grow...or simply put a smile on their face (even if because they are so happy they aren't in our shoes). We are who were are and that my friend, is forever changing.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The following are just random YouTube moments that put a smile on my face. I'm simply adding them here to give you a glimpse at how warped I am and how much professional help I truly need. Enjoy!
The Techno Nerd in me loves this one.
I love stop motion animation and this is why.
And finally this is my favorite impression of me at that the gym.
That's it for now. I'm going back to the semi-real world. Have a great day!
The Techno Nerd in me loves this one.
I love stop motion animation and this is why.
And finally this is my favorite impression of me at that the gym.
That's it for now. I'm going back to the semi-real world. Have a great day!
video of the day
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Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Becareful not to include spoilers! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if the like your teasers!
"The ability to build a campfire swiftly and certainly in every type of weather that may one day besest us can, at a decisive moment, also mean the difference between existence and finality; and the way to acquire such a skill is a bit at a time over as long a period as possible, using on each occasion only whatever natural materials may be at hand." ~How to Stay Alive in the Woods by Bradford Angier
Ok, truth be told, I snagged this one from my son's book. I'm still sunk in academia and not very interesting academia at the moment. He's really into the whole survival thing lately. After reading this excerpt, I'm wondering what exactly is going on in his head...is he going to drop out of society or does he think things are really going to hit the fan? ha! ha!
Ok...your turn.
Please leave a comment with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 "teasers" in a comment here (if you don't have a blog)
Thanks & happy reading!
Teaser Tuesdays
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Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Becareful not to include spoilers! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if the like your teasers!
"Now, imagine that someon you don't know joins your friends, and you continue speaking. it's okay ifyou feel a little anxious, but visualize the stranger as becoming attentive to your communication. Notice how the new person looks at you with admiration." ~Communication Mosaics by Julia T. Wood
Not very riveting to the outsider but I'm a Communications major and I'm submerged in classes right now. No time for fun reading. I had a choice between this book and biology and I didn't want to put everyone to sleep.
Please leave a comment with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 "teasers" in a comment here (if you don't have a blog)
Thanks & happy reading!
Teaser Tuesdays
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- Be happy.
- Learn as much about as much as I can.
- Learn to drive a stick shift.
- Visit the Grand Canyon. Travel as many places as I can.
- Help someone in a major way.
- Write a book.
- Gain some discipline.
- Enjoy my children while they are with me.
- Dance in the rain.
- Learn a foreign language fluently.
- Have a clean house for more than a day.
- Smile more than worry.
- Visit Alaska.
- Read every book on my TBR list.
- Teach.
- Learn to love who I am…without changing who that is.
- Make my parents proud.
- Make God proud.
- Cry because I’m completely in love.
- Graduate from several Universities…AA, BA, MFA..Ph.D.???
- Live to see my grandchildren marry and live happily ever after.
- Never be a burden to my children.
- Catch a Ninja or find Waldo…whichever comes first.
- Run in a marathon (and not want to die afterward)
- Make a new list just like this in a few years because I’ve completed most of this one.
What about you?