Greetings and salutations! I love that greeting. We just don't use awesome sounding greetings anymore. Thank you technology. I didn't do any end of the year wrap ups for 2012. Actually, I barely posted in 2012. I've been so absent this year.I, myself, have wondered what has happened to me. Well, I'm a live and well. Very well actually. That's part of my absence actually. Long story short = came down with mono several years ago + killed my immune system + constant illness ravishing my entire system = death to my dental health. Basically, my extended illness caused my teeth to begin to die from the inside out. My mouth actually began to look grey and much like something you'd see in a 3rd world country. I remained ill with a constant infection and was taking antibiotics like Pez. After a long discussion with my doctor and dentist, I made the HUGE step and had all my teeth pulled. This is not something I had ever thought I'd do, let alone at the ripe ol' age of 40. Having said that, it was the best decision I could have ever mad. Other than a slight cold that lasted roughly a week & no work missed, I have been well!! YAY ME!!! I have not been on antibiotics in three months. I've been to work with only taking off to go back to have my new plates adjusted. Due to my immune system, I have to go with the old fashion dental plates but I've been told if I continue to regain my health as I have been, I can look at implants in the future. Regardless, I feel like I'm on the road to humanity again.
I also started my BA program in Humanities. Yes, I did lose my mind again. It's been a great program so far. It's been pretty open on what courses I take. Having brought in an Associates in Arts, I only have to work on a few hours of required courses (all 300 & 400 Humanity courses) and several electives. I didn't do any amount of writing with being proud of. Two great ideas that I outlined and several poems but fevers and illness kind of killed the creative creature that resides in my heart. As far as work, I got a promotion of sorts. More work, same money but I was overpaid for what I was doing anyway...shhhh don't tell them I said that. I've really put a lot into work and feel like I accomplish things when I leave no instead of just push buttons and answer questions. Both of which are important but after several years of the same job I was ready for the change.
So what's in store for the year ahead?
I'm reading again (if I can stay off of Netflix...Curse you Netflix and all your British splendor). I'm also working on writing again...slowly. Too slow really. I hope that will pick up this semester when I audit a creative writing course we teach. It's a great platform to push your writing and to get feed back instantly and honestly from your peers. Family and friends are just too dang nice when it comes to constructive criticism with the exception of my dad. He loves to tell me what's wrong. Got to love him for that. One more thing I'm working on for 2013 is knocking of a few items from my bucket list. Yes, I'm that big of a dork. I have a bucket list. That's a post for another day. Let's not forget the same promise I make every post more regularly. I'll work on that...promise.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday season. I say Holiday not because I'm afraid of offending anyone but because it's shorter to type than to include all the holidays we go through from October 31st through Jan 1st.
I'll close out with an after shot of my beautiful chompers. Why? Because I'm in love with myself. No just because I can't get over the difference in not only the appearance of my smile but how much better I feel. I hope everyone has a great January and I'll be back soon with more boring babble to entertain you.
Happy reading!
I have chosen to be HAPPY because it is good for my health.