- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
I've been MIA for a straight month now. While I'm sure I've not been missed I hate that I let the blog itself down. So why the silence for so long? For the month of July, I struggled with steep and tiredness and a sinus infection and just a basic sense of getting old and being mentally whiny. At the end of July I couldn't shake the complete exhaustion and sickness. A final trip to the doctor, a ton of blood work, and a week later I found out I had mono. I experienced body pains, digestive issues, and the total and complete exhaustion of every cell in my body.
You would think with a month off of nothing but bed rest I would have gotten tons of things done but mono aka The Kissing Disease, has a life of it's own. I found myself having to take a nap after a shower. I ate many of my meals from a straw and I couldn't concentrate on anything that wasn't on mt Netflix queque.
I'm happy to say I'm recovering. Coming back to the land of the living. I even dug out a stack of books from my TBR list and starting in on them. I've taken something from all this as far as this blog is concerned. We all need to have back up content. Something for those few who are loyal readers to have to read and reflect on. In the coming weeks I'll be working on such a back plan. Something to fill the voids of unplanned absences. I'll also be working on regular content. Something worth reading. I love my blogging world and the friends within it. I love being able to express myself, my views, and sharing books and thoughts.
Thank you to those who have checked up on me. For everyone else I wish happy and safe Labor Day weekend.

So what is that you use social media for? What have you found to be the pros and cons? If you could change anything about it, what would it be? What are your pet peeves? Which is the best social media in your opinion & why?
To reward you for answering (or punish you depending on how you want to look at it) I'm giving out 5 invites to Google+ . Here's how it works. Get an entry for each of the following.
Answer the questions above.
Follow this blog.
Follow on Twitter. (the little buttons over there on the side)
Reblog this. (Leave a link in the comments)
Tweet this with #catgoogles included
That's a possible 5 entries! So get busy and come Google+ with me.
I'll pick a winner using randomizer.com on Monday, July 20th and post winners here.
So get busy and let's get our Google on people!

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale
We've been camping on the shores of the Green River Lake and loving it. Although our many hikes planned got cut short after just one 4.5 mile hike resulted in hours (no two days) of tick searching. Still debating about throwing out a rather expensive part of Rebbock ztecks. However, the weather is awesome. The people aregreat. They lake water is perfect and today is nothing but lake time and a round of minature golf.
The picture was taken by my son of our first evening at camp. That's how every evening looks from here. Needless to say...I'm in heaven.
Until later...have a great week!
A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. ~Josh S. Hinds
- Fantasy – (This will have it’s on posting…it’s that huge) A story including elements that are impossible such as talking animals, magical powers, creatures of the night, and anything that can be made up out of the unbelievable.
- Folktale – A story, often written with a hidden message, that was originally passed on by word of mouth.
- Poetry - A verse written to inspire the reader or reveal a deeper emotion of the writer. (I was once told that writing poetry was like running down the street naked lol)
- Realistic Fiction – A story using made up characters that takes place in modern times.
- Science Fiction – A story that blends futuristic technology and scientific facts with a made up story.
- Chic Lit – Fictional writing about modern womanhood with a bit of humor and lighthearted whimsy.
- Romantic Fiction – Do I need to define this? Ok in case you’ve been living in a cave…romance is a story about love and relationships…usually involves clothes falling off at some point.
- Comedy – A story with funny themes and whimsical story lines. Simply put : Ha! Ha! Funny stuff!
- Drama – A story involving conflict, action crisis, and overall atmosphere designed pull at your emotional strings and heart making you think about what is right and wrong.
- YA (Young Adult)- A story that is geared towards younger readers (ages 14 to 21)...there's been a surge in Adults reading YA of all kinds in the last few years. (Which explains the Twilight Epidemic)